Have you visited the Page-O-Flames lately?

That’s just a front. See, Coldfire and OpalCat are really lovers but they have to keep it on the down low because she’s married and he has a girlfriend. They have names picked out for their kids and everything already. OpalFire if its a girl and ColdCat if its a boy.

M’kay, now I understand. :wink:

Amp, you should start a game thread on what you just did… coming up with kids names based on the marriage of doper names. Coldcat? Heh.

Also, wrt the whole “Opal plugging her site and shirts…”- wouldn’t she be better served by just putting links to them in a sig and leaving it at that?

Well, that would be fine, provided the sig doesn’t exceed 4 lines (you can link to a hell of a lot in 4 lines, as has been demonstrated ;)), and none of the links goes to a commercial venue.

I would never put links to my sites in my sig! Nosir.

Damn. Here I was hoping there’d just been a major update or something, but I’ve already read most of the stuff on the PoF. Either I have to stop reading it so often, or Opal needs to update it more often… How’s every 20 minutes or so sound to you, Opal? :wink:

My pride is boundless: I made the Page O’ Funnies not once, but TWICE! [Homer] Bow down before me, for I am your king! [/Homer] (Well, queen, actually . . . Never mind.)

Whoa. Yea verily, even I the Nine Hundred Post Newbie Nobody’s Heard of, is represented on the Page O’ One Liners:

It would be one of my work-related remarks :slight_smile:

I have a smaller list of MB quotes, a few from Customers Suck, and a lot from here…

Well, say something funny, and ask her to post it…

I just check this out and I busted out laughing when I saw this exchange:


Oh, and just to prevent any misunderstanding, fathom.org/jjtm is not Opal’s site, it’s my site graciously provided by Opal’s dime. Thanks again, Opal.

Woohoo! My name is in there! Granted, I was something that was quote hilarious following up a one-line post, but still …

[Booker T]

Five time, five time, five time, five time, five time Page of Flames!

: commences to Spinarooni :

[/Booker T]
I’ll just quote two. First is part of a Pit thread OP

And my favorite

The only thing worse than having one of my posts on that page would be not having a post on that page.

Hint, hint, hint Opalcat! :smiley:

OpalCat, I spent the better part of last night with your Page o’ Flames. It was a good time.

Whoohoo, I’m on the page-o-one-liners!
I have truly arrived.

I hope you were a gentleman…

If I could say something funny, I’d have a late-night talk show by now.