We don’t seem to have a Haven thread to go with the Warehouse 13 thread, so I thought I’d start one. I can’t be the only person on the board who watches this show!
Tonight’s episode was called “Lockdown”, in which the police department is quarantined because of a deadly, fast acting disease. Except, of course, in Haven, nothing is ever what it seems.
Last week, we saw that Duke had discovered that his estranged wife, Evie, was working with The Rev.
This week, Evie is killed! By people also working for The Rev, so obviously she wasn’t as important to him as she thought.
So, who thinks that The Rev is in deeper kimshee than he could ever imagine, since Duke obviously now has it in for him. Duke is important to The Rev somehow, and The Rev doesn’t know that Duke knows that The Rev is responsible both for Evie being in Haven and for Evie’s death.
As an aside, who in hell names their kid “Duke”? Is that his real name or a nickname, and if it’s a nickname, when and how did he get it? I don’t recall that being covered.
Who pays attention to his name? You just stare at his sexy face. And I admit, I didn’t read your whole post, because I haven’t watched last night’s episode yet, but I am definitely a fan. I just wish Audrey (the other Audrey, the real (?) Audrey) would have stayed around.
In a world where people have named their kids things like Apple or Moxie Crimefighter, you have to ask about someone with a semi-normal name like Duke?
My main problem with the show is it’s way too focused on “troubled of the week” stories with way too slow of a burn on the whole “who/what the fuck is audrey/lucy” main arc.
It’s a hard balance in any show, that’s for sure. I don’t remember which show/thread it is, but I’ve also seen complaints about shows that are too much arc, not enough standalone.
Did you notice that in the second show this season, Fear & Loathing, that Vince and Dave had what I think is the first break in their amity? In the bus station, Vince refused to look over the chairs to see what was scaring everyone. When he apologize later, saying something about he was sorry he’d made Dave look, Dave said, “No, you’re not,” and he seemed rather angry about it.
Did you also notice that what Dave saw seemed to be Lucy/Audrey again, but in clothes from an even earlier time period, one where Dave and Vince were probably late teens or so? Why would Audrey be what Dave fears?
He didn’t see Audrey or Lucy, Vince asked him specifically if it was Lucy he saw, and he said no. He doesn’t seem to be afraid of either of them, but of this third incarnation they’ve yet to mention again. The implication seems to be that someone who looks like Audrey shows up whenever there are troubles, possibly all the way back to the 1600s.
And Morgyn, amongst fans I know, the thought is that Duke is planning on playing the Rev. You know, keep your friends close but your enemies closer.
An interview with Lucas and the writers back in December revealed that they’re hoping to go at least seven seasons, so that’s why the Audrey mystery is being drawn out (plus, from several comments it’s clear that they are keenly aware of X-Files comparisons, so it could be a bit of reaction to common complaints that there weren’t enough Monster of the Week episodes vs mytharc). I hope they do because Haven is one of my favorite new shows. From what the prognosticators predict, renewal odds look pretty good.
Did Vince ask if it was Lucy by name? I thought he only asked if Dave had seen “her”. I don’t have the episode anymore, so I can’t check.
Also, I know that’s what Dave said, but I took a good look at that image. It was Audrey. I think Dave lied, and I think he lied because he was angry at Vince.
I’m thinking that, too. Duke hasn’t really shown much of what made him (apparently) a (mostly) successful con artist prior to his return to Haven. It’ll be interesting to see how this plays out, and for how long.
Good to know they expect there will be more seasons. I only wish the seasons were longer than 13 shows.
I was pretty much siding with Brody when he suggested to Audrey that he use his mojo to help her get information out of someone. It seemed to me that Audrey was just making things harder on herself by shutting him out of the process. I’m also glad to see Brody moving on; I just don’t like Jason Priestley all that much.
Uh… they do realize they’re on Syfy don’t they? They can hope all they want, they’re not gonna last that long before they get yanked in favor of Celebrity Ghost Auctions or some shit.
I, also, am glad that Brody’s gone – I didn’t like him at all, and couldn’t see what Audrey/Lucy saw in him. I do want to know more about the Colorado Kid thing – it’s too nebulous right now to have any resonance. What is the connection between Audrey/Lucy and Duke? Why doesn’t she have any of her own memories? Does she even exist as a real, independent person, or is she some unearthly entity that takes on huma form during the Troubles as a fixer?
One thing that bugs me is Nathan’s affliction. Supposedly, he can’t feel anything. But if so, how could he walk, eat, do much of anything? I know someone who lost feeling in his feet (neuropathy from a long-term vegetarian diet), and finds it almost impossible to walk, since he can’t feel the ground. Nathan is too all-around competent in his actions for someone who can’t feel.
Apparently this is a thinly-watched show, so I vote we do season-long threads.
Seconded. They would have to have monster ratings to last that long on SyFy. We can only hope that they get a truncated final season to wrap things up.
I has a sad, but you are apparently correct, at least as far as this board is concerned.
I can’t see them going seven seasons, but that’s mostly because I seem to recall in a discussion about the Eureka canceling that SyFy policy is to cancel shows after a maximum of five seasons due to actor pay hikes that apparently get much larger after the fifth season. I just hope we get five.
Here’s me hoping for five seasons, as well. I like the “monster of the week” with allusions to and hints at the Deeper Mystery of what the Troubles are, who Lucy/Audrey is, and now the apparent insinuations that Duke is a bigger player in this whole thing than he realizes. I’m glad they bumped off Eve. She bugged me.
The Rev is getting Caaa–REEEEPPP—ier with every episode.
And Vince and Dave CLEARLY know more than they’re givin’ up.
She annoyed me no end. What was worse, Duke kept (appearing) to trust her, even though he knew what she was and he’d seen that she had conned him multiple times just since coming to Haven! And what was that hint that the Rev had deliberately found her and enticed her to come? What bait did he use?
He’s hateful, in the sense that he’s full of hate and that he’s someone I am growing to hate because of what he’s doing and believes.
And WHY aren’t they giving it up? I suppose it’s because the story wouldn’t be so mysterious if they did, but I swear, the trope that people who have information but refusing to give it up until it’s almost too late is one I can do without. It’s STUPID. It’s juvenile, very much a “Nyaah, nyaah, I know something you don’t know!” (Imagine that last in the sing-song.)
I could swear that they told Audrey back in Season 1 that they didn’t know who the woman in the picture was, and then it turns out they know lots about her.
I concur it would dispell plenty 'o mystery if V&D spilled their intel to Audrey; thus, the hints of knowledge, knowing looks, cryptic comments…just adds to the drahhhhma…I guess this would be how Audrey must feel - knowing people know more than they are telling - annoyed!
It irritates me to no end how frequently Hollyweird feels the need to slap a collar of faith upon the Big Bad. Not that there aren’t plenty of Big Bads in the real world operating under the guise of religion, but still. Can’t the Big Bad just be a Mysterious Big Bad without having to toss religion into it? Reaaaalllyy? Hasn’t that just been done to death? end mini-rant
Yeah, Duke seemed to have this ODD blind spot where Eve was concerned. She will not be missed. Looking forward to seeing how Duke plays out his whateveritis with the Rev. I think the bait Rev used to lure Eve into his eeevil clutches was It’s For The Good of Duke…she made a dumb minion.
And I agree with the observation that Nathan’s Can’t Feel Nuthin But Audrey thing is a tad odd. Even for an odd show. Lotsa loopholes in that concept.
In spite of the flaws, I do like the show. The theme and the opening credits and the gorgeous Halifax scenery set the tone. Yes, the Rev is too much of a stereotype (and why not show some of the good clergy helping the Afflicted, and locking horns with the Rev? Liberal pastors and priests would fight him, too), and Dave and Vince need to open up, or have a dang good reason for keeping quiet.
However, it is slaking my need for weirdness until Fringe returns.
I was going to say, maybe Haven only has the one church? But then I thought, no, that can’t be right, you’d have to be a town of only 5 houses to only have one church in the USA.
On the other hand, this is Haven. So maybe there’s only one church?
This show and Warehouse 13 have both introduced me to some pretty good music over the last two years or so. Has anyone else become a fan of Sweet Talk Radio because of it?
Love the music on both shows! Didn’t know the name of the band for Haven, so will have to zip over to youtube and check them out - great sound!
The town of Haven on the opening credits sure looks big enough to support multiple churches - I think it would a great ep to have other people of faith challenge the eeeevvvvilll Rev, be they pastors, priests or layfolk. Take THAT, eeeevvviiilll Rev!