Having 17-18-Year-Old Molars (on the top) Removed

i’m almost 18. last time i had a tooth filled, the dentist told me that he would soon have to pull my top molars that come in around age 17-18 because my mouth was too small to hold them. i think he’s caught this soon enough that he can do it at a time that will make it the least complicated. so, without giving me excessive details about how painful it is going to be, could you answer a few questions?

first of all, i have heard that it requires several painful shots in the roof of the mouth and other places. is this true? (if it is, please don’t tell me exactly how painful; i don’t want to know.) i was wondering if i could request to be gased instead. and, if my dentist can’t gas me, would medicaid pay for me to go to another dentist that will? also, what kind of pain medicine (if any) is normally given when (and/or after) these teeth are pulled?

When I had mine removed it was some what painless. There are the needle pricks, and that was about it. Get the gas, and you might just feel a slight tugging, and then suddenly notice the dentist with your molar in pliers.

Do you mean wisdom teeth? If you do, wisdom tooth extraction can be a big job. When I had 2 of mine removed the dentist had to cut my gums open to get at the roots. Left me with 6 stitches and a very sore mouth for a week or so.

I’m 17. I had molars pulled (4 of 'em) last year. No big deal; you slobber from the anaesthetic for a day or so, and bleed a bit, but there is little physical sensation involved.

It’s really not that bad. First, you get the laughing gas. Then, the dentist rubs an anesthetic on your gums so you don’t feel the shots. Finally, you get the shots, which make you totally and completely numb.

Just make sure you stock up on whatever painkillers the dentist prescribes for when you go home.

Upper wisdom teeth are usually pretty easy and fast to remove. Far easier than the lower ones.

Very few dentists accept medicaid, so if that will be used to cover the costs you may have to stay with your current dentist. Nitrous oxide will probably have to be paid for out of pocket if your dentist offers it. Do ask for and use it if available. It can reduce your anxiety about the injections and the discomfort.

My employer prescribes Vicodin for the first couple of days after wisdom tooth extraction and ibuprofen or Tylenol after that.

Heed your dentists advice and don’t wait too long. My dentist told me the same news at your age and I waited til I was 27 to get all 4 pulled at once! Went to an good oral surgeon and he gave me a script for #50 100mg Demoral. Then after that #50 50mgs. Mine were deeply impacted and unusually difficult. So don’t put it off!

I waited until my wisdom teeth had come in completely, and they fortunately came in straight as well. I got shots but no nitrous oxide. It was mildy uncomfortable, but only because anything done to/with my teeth is uncomfortable for me. I didn’t actually feel a thing. I was prescribed Vicodin afterwards, but never needed it, because the whole operation went so smoothly. If your teeth are like mine, you may be in the same boat I was. (My dad, however, waited until he was much older, and the roots had gotten pretty long and twisted by then. You do not want to wait for that to happen! :eek: )

I had mine removed by a military doctor. He was a full colonel, and office practice was for him to wear the woodland-pattern camouflage uniform (BDUs) in the office. His assistant was a technical sergeant, in the same outfit. I’m laying in the chair in the same outfit, but otherwise, it’s a normal dentist’s office.

The colonel begins walking me through my answers to several of the previous questions so he can be sure he’s clear on the situation. He’s pacing around, picking up various tools, setting up paper towels, wiping things clean, putting on safety goggles (!) and so forth. Meanwhile, the tech sergeant is rubbing the numbing gel on my gums. The colonel says, “alright, it looks like your gums are probably numb. Bill, give him the needle real quick. Jurph, you’re going to feel a mild sting and then a warm balloon in your gums.” And the tech sergeant pops open my mouth and makes sure my upper gums get the needle. I felt a warm rush, like a small balloon inflating in my gums, for a moment, and my heart raced for about ten seconds, then everything was okay again.

The colonel sits down next to me and starts asking me a bunch of other questions, and then about five minutes in, says “actually, I’m just asking these questions so I can tell when your lips and gums are completely numb. You see, I’m almost certainly going to have to make a large incision on your gum, and I don’t want you to feel it, because you’d probably flinch, and hurt yourself or me. So try to answer these with the most articulate words you can think of, so I can gauge how numb you are.”

We kept talking.

A few moments later, he says “alright, you’re starting to slur your words. That’s good! I’m going to reach into your mouth and make a few incisions. You may taste some blood, but Bill here has the suction ready so you probably won’t. Once I make those incisions, I’m going to move right into pulling your teeth. Even though you’re not really talking very clearly, I want you to know that right now is a great time to ask any last questions, because once I reach in there, I’m not stopping until I’m done. I don’t want you to lose any more blood than you have to.”

I think I asked him something, which he answered quickly and eagerly.

“Okay, so here’s what’s going to happen. Once I make the incision, I’m going to reach in there with these – they’re basically pliers – and pull your teeth out. You will not feel a thing, but you will *hear it. It will sound like something deep inside your skull just went crunch. That’s your roots slipping free of your head. It’s going to be a very alarming sound. Feel free to make some noise if it really freaks you out, but there’s nothing I can do about the sound. I’m going to assume you don’t feel anything unless you bang on the armrest here. It is imperative that you hold your head still while I’m doing this. Your neck muscles may be a little stiff from resisting my yanking motion. Are you ready?”

fiddle fiddle fiddle… pause fiddle fiddle

fiddle fiddle fiddle… pause fiddle fiddle

… a quick saline rinse, a few cotton balls, and a prescription for something strong to kill the pain, and I was tip-top. The whole thing took maybe a half hour, and ten minutes of that was waiting for the anasthetic. The actual tooth pulling took about two minutes, and the CRUNCH bits were sudden, unexpected, and utterly painless.

Just go get 'em pulled.