Having played freelancer for 12 hours I stare fixedly at the screen...

Well, to tell the truth, I haven’t. Unfortunately, this is because I found out by accidentally flying into the planet before I had the chance to wonder. :smack:

Although…the first time I used “goto” on an object on the other side of the planet, I really started sweating when the planet just kept getting bigger and bigger in my screen, and my ship didn’t really seem to want to change course.

Yea, I played Freelancer, and after I finished the campaign, it got really, really repetitive, really fast. Really! If I wanted to play Freelancer now, I’d only do it to explore the systems. I hear there’s a Planet of the Apes somewhere in the border worlds; didn’t have the patience to go check it out myself though.

Have you heard of X²: The Threat? This promises to be an open-ended space sim, and having played its predecessors, I’m looking forward to this one!

The other day, after spending four hours playing Vice City, me and my buddy drove down the street to grab a burger… on the way, I saw a guy on a motorcycle, and I instinctively starting braking so I could jump out and take it. It took me a second to realize that, hey, you can’t get away with that in real life…

I also have problems every time I see a car carrier with its rear ramp down… it takes a great effort of will not to jump it.

Freelancer was an enjoyable 26ish hours or so of things going boom.

Mostly, though, it made me more anxious for X[sup]2[/sup] to be finished up. Or Elite 4, I suppose.


Elite 4?!?!?!?

Now, my father and I whiled away hours and hours on ends, saving up for the Military Laser (and buying the dam tribble knock-offs once to see what the deal was) and blasting away at those damn octagonal ship aliens that hang out by Anarchy worlds.

I loved Elite, despite the (now that I’ve seen them again recently) incredibly crappy graphics.

If the game has moved along with PC’s, I must see it. Oh yes…

Elite 4 is in that indeterminate state of “being worked on,” as far as I know. See here–but note the copyright dates in the fine print on that lonely FAQ, sitting alone in a great big empty space.