Oops, my bad on forum choice… Seemed to be one of those poll type questions to me, but if it must be moved, it must… all apologies
Anyhow… My review of RedFaction… I stopped playing for several months (after about 4 weeks of game-addiction induced sleep deprevation)… It’s entertaining enough that it kept me from sleeping for several nights on end. “Oh look, the sun’s coming up… I should shower and dress for work now” was not an uncommon thing to be said when I first got the game. Point being, I really enjoy it.
Here’s the story line… The Ultor Corporation runs interplanetary mining operations, you (Frank Parker) sign up for a tour on Mars to make some fast cash. The employment propoganda the recruiter gave you made it out to be a nice way to work hard, get paid a lot, and live a pretty decent life. Think of it as the Merchant Marines of the 22nd century.
Strange things have been hapening in the mines. People turn up missing, some weird disease is spreading through the miners, and the company is constantly tightening it’s grip on the miners…
That’s basically where the game starts… End of your shift, the security gaurds are ushering you and your fellow miners back to your barracks, and they’re being pretty impolite and forceful.
You witness one of your fellow miners get killed by a security guard after a minor incident… That’s where you take control and begin kicking ass (and collecting various weapons etc).
It seems to have an engine similar to GoldFinger (or LivingDaylights, or some other Bond title) from the PS1. Left analog directional controls turning and aiming, right analog does strafing and foreward/backword. It has some really nice features, like multiple firing modes for most (if not all) the weapons, a reasonable weapon selection (despite the standard FPS game question of “how the hell is carrying all that stuff?”)
The fact that you have to go outside on Mars from time to time makes for the very interesting problem of keeping your enviro suit from getting too shot up so you can survive…
The death animations are pretty nice, depending on how you shoot someone, they fall/fly/explode differently (this is pretty standard on modern FPS games, but this one does it pretty nicely). Hit a guy square in the chest with the automatic shotgun, and he’ll double over while flying backwards, wing him with the sniper rifle, and he’ll spin as he falls… Hit him with the rocket launcher, and, ummm, BY!
One complaint I have, the damage to the NPCs seems to vary wildly… seems to go along with what the game wants to make difficult vs easy. Some times you can bludgeon a guy with two shots from the mace, other times it could take 2 mags from the assault rifle. Oh, and grenades are way too wussy in this game, in the real world, if a grenade goes off between your ankles, there isn’t going to much left of you, but in the game it’s more like “oh, ouch… hey, don’t do that again!.. well maybe only a couple more times.”)
ok… this is getting long and pointless (Wow, that could apply to a lot of things I say).
To sum up… Gamespy (I think it was game spy) gave the game a rating of 9.1, which is impessive, and should tell you a whole lot more than any review by a guy that goes by bobo.