Hawaii Five-0 Philosophical Question

Quite so: http://images.wikia.com/memoryalpha/en/images/b/bb/Enterprise_legacy_tmp.jpg

In an episode of “Happy Days”, Marion is watching “The Andy Griffith Show” and remarks how much Opie looks like Richie when he was that age.

Ah hell, now I’m sad. Persis Khambatta was the inspiration for many an adolescent fantasy of mine.

And you’d think that after they said “We can’t let her walk around the ship naked!” they’d have replicated an outfit for her that reached more than 1mm below her ass.

Maybe they did the joke more than once, but the way I remember it is Marion commenting to Howard about how much she thought the kid in the Music Man (which they were coming out from the theater from seeing) reminded her of Richie. This was in the later seasons, long after Ron Howard had left the series.
There’s also the time Kramer, from Seinfeld, made an appearance on Mad About You, then a few years later George and Susan were in bed watching Mad About You.

I remember the scene about the Music Man too. But they could have done it 2 times.

In his day room Picard had a wallful of Enterprises, starting with the flattops and worked through the various iterations of NCC-1701. They were colored silver and half-models mounted in shadow frames.

That was actually called the “conference lounge” (as opposed to the Captain’s ready room): Observation lounge | Memory Alpha | Fandom. I used Google Images to see if the space shuttle Enterprise was among the models, but I couldn’t find any pics that show it.

muldoonthief, among Deltans, Ilia’s outfit was actually the equivalent of a burqa.

As it happens, I just watched the ST:TNG episode “The Nth Degree.” At the 0:30 mark on the Fourth Season DVD, there’s a clear view as LaForge walks past the wall of models - and definitely no space shuttle there.

In tonight’s episode of Hawaii Five-0, one of them said “Don’t say it” to the another, referring to “Book 'em”.

On a side note, I really wanted to like this show. Gorgeous scenery, very attractive people, that fabulous theme song, what’s not to like? But I think it kind of sucks.

In the pilot episode they established that Danny doesn’t like McGarrett calling him “Dan-O” because it’s his daughter’s private nickname for him. That’s what the “Don’t say it” referred to. But yeah, I think it also served as a wink to the previous popularity of the line.

As for the show itself, it took me a few episodes to warm up to it, but I enjoy it for what it is: Just a fun, stylish, implausible bit of escapism – with gorgeous scenery, very attractive people, and that fabulous theme song, of course.
I won’t defend it to the death to anyone who doesn’t care for it, though.

Naturally, TVTropes had a boatload of examples under “Celebrity Paradox” (“A Celebrity Paradox describes the complications that arise from creating a fictional universe in which that fictional universe does not exist, and the actors playing roles within it do not exist either.”)

IIRC the 5-0 name in the new show comes from McGarrett’s family. They’re not native Hawaiian but they’re not entirely haoles either so they called themselves 5-0s (as in from the 50th state). This scene was at the end of the second or third episode.

Also, I don’t think it’s possible for the original series to exist in the new 5-0 universe. It would be way too much coincidence. “Hey, there’s this old show set in Hawaii about cops! The team members are named McGarrett, Danno, Chin Ho Kelly and Kono! Since our team of cops in Hawaii also has a McGarrett, Danno, Chin Ho Kelly and Kono we should totally call ourselves Hawaii 5-0!”

I think the original Magnum P.I. show existed in the same tv universe as the original* Hawaii 5-0* show. I recall one episode where Magnum’s buddy Rick ran the license plate of a suspect and it turned out that the car was owned by “some guy named McGarrett whose with 5-0.” :smiley: