He[, God,] has the final say! [Witnessing. ed. title]

8 years ago my older brother having a long HX of hypertension lost his ability to void urine. After many tests and consultations with Urologist’s he ended up self catheterizing.
5 year later his kidneys had failed to the point he required hemodialysis.
4 years later struggling to become a candidate for a transplant he had to have both his kidneys removed. Cancer was found in one and both were severely diseased.
After a year of hemodialysis w/o kidneys and still working a 40 hr. job in the iron ore mines he was cleared to have a transplant. I had been waiting for the day I could donate one of my kidneys to my brother and on May 5, 2009 the transplant was done Laparoscopicly for both of us.
After the transplant my brother was plagued with bladder infections from constant foley catheter usage as he was still unable to void. On top of that he also so scared from self cathing that he has what is termed a false passage making it very difficult to imposable to self cath, and making it nessesary to advance a guide with a scope to place a catheter.
About 2 weeks ago a procedure was done, I am told a reaming of his prostate gland to allow him to place a catheter. After the procedure Alas he could void, however he couldn’t hold anything. The catheter he then used would not seal and he would now have to wear a depends and catheter.
He was finally able to return home last night being in and out pt. for the last 2 1/2 months.(he had to stay within walking distance of Henipin Co. Med Center).
He was given a small supply of catheters and told that he would have to cath for the rest of his life. (that was yesterday)
Today his urinary system is working just like our creator designed it to work. He is catheter free!
We have to give thanks to all the medical professionals, but at the same time know that we know that the Lord is ultimately in charge.
He has the Final Say!

Praise the Lord!

Since there is no question in the OP, and GD is our forum for witnessing, I am moving it there.

General Questions Moderator

So, why did god give him cancer in the first place?

If the Lord is ultimately in charge why bother with the medical professionals, since they are apparently of secondary importance? Why not leave it to the number one guy? Or don’t you have faith in him/her/it?

Praise Mithras!

I suppose that NO ONE told you there was a possibility his condition can fade after treatment. A lot of pain, discomfort and unsurety went through your brother too, probably more than Mithras at his execution.

Sounds like Mithras really tested your brother’s faith.

Seriously, I’m glad he’s recovered.

Heh, I am reminded of a House episode in which he bitches and moans that whenever somebody dies in hospital, everyone sues the doctor, but when the doctor saves them, it’s all “praise the Lord, hallelujah !” ;).

Oh yes of course, it wasn’t years upon years of hard fought scientific research and medical advancements. Nor was it the hard work and dedication of the medical team, nah, that counts for NOTHING. A wizard did it.

Irrespective of any beliefs I may or may not have, congratulations to your brother!

I do find it amusing that this sort of claim about God basically insults God AND the doctors at the same time.

100%, friend. When I was agnostic, I still gave some credit to god pointing the ailing toward the right doctor, especially with specific forms of disease. Then that ol’ time common sense stepped in where I realized that most people do not get the chance or the prescribed abilities (ie money) to FIND the right doctor to trust and fund.

I am very glad Gbro’s bro got there, for our collective sake, AND found faith in the diagnosis, faith in the method of cure and finally cured. (For real, Gbro, even if I disagree with your cosmic diagnosis.) :slight_smile:

Mithras was never executed. He was carried by Sol’s chariot across the ocean into heaven.

In other words, the sunrise. Well, again, more suffering for Gbro’s bro than Mithras or Jesus. The scales are tipped toward the almighty.

I have much faith in the medical profession. I also fully understand that the Lord has given each and everyone of us special gifts, much of what makes me and you so very different, yet the same(species).
Just how in your opinion did anything I posted insult the Lord? I ask that with full knowledge that I do not know the way the Lord handles all situations. all i am saying is trust in the Lord and Give him praise.

The Urologists that saw my brother could not understand his problem for the last 8 years and told him and me (I will get to that) that they do not know why cannot void. They hooked him up to all the modern electronic stimulating devises they had and no results.

While i was being prepped for surgery I was introduced to all the transplant team as the signed in (on the computer that was 10 ft. from the foot of the cot I was on) and chatted with the Urologist about what they were planning on doing to address the issue on my brother voiding after he gets a kidney from me.
Like I stated he had both his kidneys removed 8 months prior and therefor nothing to cath for.
The Urologist told me flat out that they did not know and that they were hoping things would work post transplant. And that is exactly what they did because after 4 days he was discharged but hey, they could not discharge him with a foley in so out it came and out the door he went only to be right back 6-7 hours later when his eyes were crossed, but he didn’t have to cross his legs:dubious:
So went the next 2 months until the last ditch effort, that was the 1st and only positive effort to do something except scratch the head:smack: IMHO!
Sure there were frustrations, but we have Prayer and through our Church (a body of like believers that come together in fellowship in this instance) we prayed for the doctors and asked that the Lord would be with them as they preformed their duty with the gifts given to them by out creator.

So No my brother Der Trihs This post is all about praise to the Lord and any no insult are intended to any Doctors. In Fact I would shake that Urologist hand today and tomorrow because my brother is today able to do what so many of us take for granted.
Like I stated in the op this procedure was only done to “possibly” help him self cath.

Thank you Mr. Colibri for doing what you must. I realized later that I hadn’t asked a question.
Hey I do not question my faith.:slight_smile:

How can you make a statement like that, scratch that mithras babble,
But just how can what my brother went through have any comparison to what Jesus went through for Me and my Brothers and sisters!
I will pray for your delusions.
I must start my shift now as an EMT.
Good day.

I DID say that “the scales were tipped to the almighty.” You can translate that how you see fit. Jesus allegedly went through it once for a few days. Your brother was even stronger.

My point was, I really don’t see how you can just accept Jesus over Mithras, Odin, etc., if you’re going to put medical science over faith for faith’s sake.

Your brother was saved. Thank whoever you’d like, but please don’t put all the cards in one almighty hand.

You mentioned you are an EMT. I thank you for that. Wherever you find strength, so be it. I won’t pray, but I’ll wish for you all the guidance you see fit to deal with a job like this. Belief aside, you are a strong person for whatever the reason. :slight_smile:

Just wondering if there is any difference between ‘witnessing’ and ‘delusional people spouting self-contradictory garbage about made up magical beings much as if helpful information about elementary thinking errors was not widely available’?

If so, what is it?

My, how quickly you dismiss the beliefs of others as babble and delusion and yet have no problem thinking of your own beliefs as true and beyond reproach. Care to elaborate on why your superstitions are better than other people’s superstitions? Perhaps you could explain to us how you know it was in fact the specific variant of Christianity’s god you worship and not another one, or Mithras, Odin, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster?

So, when you get to the scene of an accident, do you kneel down and pray, or do you use your training as an EMT to help the victim? If you do only the first option, and your post would make this likely, how often does it work? If the second option, and this would seem unlikely because if your god has the final word then nothing you do really seems to matter, why do you bother?

He didn’t say it counted for nothing. He said he ‘gives thanks to them’ (and note: not merely FOR them). Why do you feel that have to make it look like he doesn’t appreciate what they did?

You seriously think the OP makes that sound likely? Your skills of reading between the lines must be mightier than mine.

Note, that I don’t believe in anything. But I would imagine the key difference is that the origins of FPM are well documented and it is clearly made up. Worship of Mithras and Odin has not continued, so they’re probably not worth considering. If a god was serious about wanting to be worshipped, they wouldn’t have their cult die out now would they! :stuck_out_tongue:

There are people alive today worshiping Odin as best they can. Google up “Asatru”. Be warned, that particular faith system has been co-opted by White Nationalists to a certain degree.

I don’t know about Mitrhaic faith, but I’d be willing to bet there are still some folks out there praying to the White Bull.

If an omnipotent god were serious about wanting to be worshipped, it could easily convert every person on Earth.