Headbanger's Bounce.

I’m sitting here listening to Alice Cooper’s radio show. Alice plays Classic Rock of the harder sort. The last offering was “White Wedding” and I found myself with the earphones pressed into my bouncing head.


I mean, why was my head bouncing? What exactly happens when the Rock in my earphones sends the signal to my brain that causes my head to bob uncontrollably and in perfect rythm? Not all songs do it. What makes the difference?

Not scientific, but a WAG on why I do it, too. The bass line/drum beat gives a consistent rhythm that gives the band a base with which to work. (The main structure in rap). In rock/metal you also have the lead and rhythm guitars adding a layer on top of that adding essentially the same beat and rhythm but in different octaves. Add on that a singer that can sing more than an octave above and below Middle C and that adds to the “feeling”. Then you usually get a frenzy from the guitar solo.

The best way to describe the difference is in these songs. Which are you more likely to headbang to?

Let Me Ride by Dre or Back in Black by AC/DC?

Gin and Juice by, again, Dre or Symphony of Destruction by Megadeth?

Hey Yeah by OutKast or Don’t Go Away Mad by the Crue?

Now, I like all 6 songs referenced, but the rock one’s are the 3 out of 6 that get me not only banging but screaming along.

This is al IMHO on my part, but it’s the best way to describe how I think of the rock genre.

If I were listening to that, the reaction would be one of pain and avoidance, restrained by my own inertia, resulting in a wavering.

Cultural conditioning. If a parody of the behavior is any indication, viewing Wayne’s World would indicate that one is supposed to “bang” one’s cranium when sufficiently “bitchin’’” music is playing. Long hair is recommended to emphasize the movement. Displaying a forked finger sign while banging is optional.

Or, you could be a white boy who can’t dance, like most of the people who listen to hard rock :slight_smile:

Oof, wide brush here! I know sufficient people who listen to Hard Rock and Rap equally…most can dance. I know it was a tongue in cheek answer but, I’d bet most folks have a preference for more than one kind of music.

I’d put the ‘Headbanger’s Bounce’ down to the easiest way to JAM to the music. Heavy metal isn’t a danceable beat…but when it’s good, it’s a kickass beat that’s hard to imitate with our human limitations. :slight_smile: Therefore, the head-bangin’!

Maybe this explains the pigeons.

Hey, I somewhat resemble the remark since I can’t dance well but I can headbang with the best of them. Poking fun at myself as much as anyone. You’d probably be hard-pressed to find a music genre that is not at least partially represented in my collection, including metal and classic rock. I may not be able to intelligently discuss things like the different music influences of, for example, Helloween, Ratt, Skid Row, Queensrÿche, and Led Zeppelin, but I’ve listened to and liked their music.

My tongue was firmly and fully embedded in my cheek, thankyouverymuch.

Okay, you know what’s scarey? Easter morning, there I am in church. Now, music over there isn’t exactly boring but on this one particular song, the band really got going. It has a wicked bassline and Dave the drummer was really givin’ it. There I was, when I realized…

I was bangin’!

Seriously. Full nod, just boppin’ along! I wasn’t the only one. either. :smiley: