Heavy breathing in my living room

OK, I’ll grant that installing carpet is a physical endeavor. I know from personal experience that uninstalling it will wind you, but, doggone, I work in an office all day. This guy installs carpet for a living. He shouldn’t be gasping and panting as hard as he is.

Well, OK, except that I’m pretty sure he’s a smoker, based on the number of breaks he’s taken and the “air” about him. But honestly, I was afraid a few times there that I’d have to call the paramedics!

On the other hand, the carpet is going to look really nice when it’s all in. It’s the lightest color we’ve ever had, but we’ve no longer got a toddler running around the house with a sippy cup full of grape juice. And we should be a few years away from grandkids doing the same.

Then again, we’re hosting Thanksgiving. Would it be really tacky to make everyone eat in the basement??



Not a sex thread, then.
Carry on.

ughhh hhhh ughhh! hhhhh ggruughhh!

Watch it or I’ll fill vunderbob’s sippy cup full of grape juice and send him over for a visit. :smiley:

Of course not. When have you even known me to resort to smut?!? I’m wholesome and all that crap…

You think that guy was bad, you should’ve heard the guy at the post office behind me today.
And he was just standing there! :eek:

Are you sure? Could you see his hands?

Now, I’ve personally never seen anyone install carpets before.

But I assume that he’d be bending over.
And like any other service guy, he wears he pants low enough that you can see some crack.

If you’re bored, you can always imagine that the sounds are coming from the crack. :smiley:
ugghhh uhhhh uhhhhhh ugghhhh hhhhhh
Man, can’t stop giggling at the images in my head…

Mom, I think you’re mixing up the installer with the quality of the work he is able to do. If the job he completes is to your satifaction, for what reason do you question his health?

YMMV, but the impact of new carpeting, no matter how nicely installed, is considerably lessened by the presence of a dead body on it.

Or, potentially, are you wanting to be finishing the job off after the guy collapses and is whisked away by said paramedics? The house has gotta be ready for Thanksgiving, after all…:wink:

I’d be inclined to say you got a vested interest in his health too, dude. At least until the job’s done, anyways.

Well, the carpet is installed and he lived long enough to drive out of the neighborhood. Any future heavy breathing will be our own, but you can be sure I won’t be starting a thread about it, as indicated by my last post - wholesome and all that…

Keapon Laffin, if I wake up screaming from night terrors related to your post, I will hunt you down. Oh yes I will!!! :stuck_out_tongue: