Heh. I'm such a guy.

Dinner time, eh? I made a double-thickness of aluminum foil and put two frozen chicken breasts in it. I sprinkled them with salt and lemon pepper, then topped them with some crushed garlic from Trader Joe’s. On top of that, I put about a cup of green beans. I folded the foil up and baked it, then opened the foil to brown the breasts a little.

Here comes the “guy” part.

After putting one chicken breast and some green beans in a container for lunch tomorrow, could I be bothered to get a plate? Even a paper plate? Nah. I just ate out of the foil I cooked it in whilst I stood over the stove.

Mundane and utterly pointless, I know. But it just struck me of how much of a bachelour thing that was.

Were you staring at the clock while you ate?

No, no clocks. (As much as I like watches, I don’t care for clocks.)

Please. Ingredients from Trader Joe’s? Lemon pepper? A two-stage cooking process? What are you, some kind of a homo or something? :smiley:

(I, who actually am some kind of a homo, could not possibly be bothered to do all that. Dinner is generally a chop, fried, with bread and margarine, or else takeout.)

I am single.

I am not male.

My favourite dinner dish has an 8-inch handle, is dishwasher-safe and oven friendly.

This is not to say I don’t set a mean table when the occasion arises (or when I wish it to … :D)

Whhaaaa? You mean you go through all the hassle of using a stove, when the microwave is waayyyy easier to cleanup. Plus, if you have seven dishes, it means washing only once a week!

This is using the same logic as buying enough undies so you only need to do laundry every other week.

I am so a bachelor :slight_smile:

You have a table? :eek:

Wait a minute… Single? Female? Low-maintenance life-style? Vancouver? How you doin’? :smiley:

*Baked * it? In this heat? :confused: Otherwise, sounds delish! :cool: ~ although Atkinsesque…

Was a great bit from a comedian about starting up a restaurant for single people, just so there’d be no raised eye-brow together with “Party of OnE?”
She said the brilliant part is ‘… there would be No tables, just a row of sinks along each wall, and everyone would eat, standing up over the sink …’

And … I agree with the other post … 2 stage cooking process?
max- bachelor … soup … from the can … no, not soup, from a can, but … soup from–the–can …

Garbanzo beans from – the – can are pretty good. Actually, very good! Some bachelorettes do this, too!

I kinda hate to admit it, but my favorite part of being single again is not having to cook dinner, every night. So, in the couple weeks since I became single, again, I’ve eaten tuna out of the can for dinner, twice. But, not standing at the sink. I was sitting in my one comfy chair, in front of my 43" rear projection TV. That’s a guy dinner! :smiley:

If it weren’t for Violet I’d be starting to worry that I’m a guy. :: checks just in case ::

i’m with Rabid Squirrel - Microwaves rule.

now if only i can work out how to make toast in it i’ll never use another kitchen appliance again.

You have a can opener? :eek:

You sound just like my boyfriend! He has something against plates aswell! :slight_smile:

plates are the result of a conspiracy between the government and china companies.

I"m sorry Johnny, but you used the stove. I’ve been on my own now for 1.5 years and have used my oven a total of twice, maybe three times. Actually I didn’t use it, a woman used it to cook so I haven’t used it yet. The stove, I make noodles, hot water and eggs, that’s it. I own a nice table that my father got for me, I have eatten on it once, though I did do a puzzle on it. The chairs make a good place to hang my motorcycle jacket.

Mmmm… tuna from the can. Olives and pickles from the jar(s). A slice of American cheese. Maybe a flour tortilla. All standing in front of the fridge. Voila, dinner.

You people don’t understand the secret of single-life meals.

  1. Bread. You live on sandwiches.

  2. Everything you put on the sandwich comes pre-sliced, in a squeeze bottle or in a jar with a wide enough mouth to stick your fingers in.

  3. ALWAYS eat over the sink. No dishes to wash, and you can drip as much as you want without having to worry about having to wipe up.

My brothers and I came up with a rule when we were all in college. More than 3 ingredients? That’s cooking. More than 4 ‘steps’? That’s cooking, too. If there’s ‘cooking’ involved, we tend to just sort-of stare forelornly at it, and try to think of something better to eat.

(granted, I’ve been told I cook pretty well when the need arises)