Heinz 57 varieties

Hey, Cecil!

Heinz has more than three varieties of ketchup. Are you so bogged down with our stupid questions/comments that you don’t watch T.V. anymore? Don’t you do your own grocery shopping? You really must get out more, my friend.

Anyway, the new product is called Heinz “Kickers”.

See ya!


Kickers itself comes in three different flavors, so does that count as three, or one?

Nicicle said

And Cecil actually said, in the article

Hey, he could have been talking to you.

We hope you stay around. This place isn’t really all that bad. We may seem mean at first, but if you have some grit in your gizzard, you just might learn something here.

Hope to see you here when you have 1000 posts.

And now, Nicicle I will apologize for posting in haste. That’s also part of many of the dopers here.

You are correct, Cecil did say

YOu will note that the column is from Cecil’s archive which means it is not a current one. They can go back some 20 years or more.

So, in that column the Master was dealing with ketchup as it stood at that point. He can’t always see the future marketing of companies who think condiments should come in swirly colors. It would just give him a headache.

IIRC, the “a1_195” in the URL for the classic column means it appeared on page 195 of the first book, “The Straight Dope”, originally published in 1984. So the column is at least 18 years old. That first book has been re-issued twice, and the page numbers may have changed.

Who cares how many varieties of Ketchup there are???
