Hell or Heaven for non-belivers?

Last night, I was having a very theological conversation with someone. They asked me what I believed about people that were not Christians and what there fate was. I told him that if a person had completely devoted themselves to another religion, been completely faithful, and that was all they knew to be that religion, then they could be recieved into the kingdom of heaven. I alluded to C. S. Lewis’ CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE LAST BATTLE when Aslan makes the two doors, one into Aslan’s Country and the other to some where dark and barron. Aslan let’s a Calormene into Aslan’s Country saying something along the lines of "By being completely faithful to Tash you have been faithful to me because that was all you knew "(I apologize if that is way off, but I do not have my books up here at school so I couldn’t look right away). The person I was talking to said, “Well, what about ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one gets to Heaven but through me.’ Should everyone just not worry because they are going to be saved anyway, because they didn’t know better?” So, my question, is there any validity to my argument? I believe that C. S. Lewis was not the type to flippantly speculate. Is there any scriptural basis for the parralell in the book? I really would appreciate some help.

I don’t know if the decision about who goes to heaven and who goes to hell is a GQ, but you will get a ton of responsed in Great Debates.

It’s sort of the ultimate Great Debate.

Trying to be factual, depending upon your flavor of Christianity, whether or not you make into heaven if you believe in a non-Christian god varies. (YSMV = Your salvation may vary). It even varies among members of the same religion. You could ask one Catholic and he’ll say “Sure, the more the merrier.” Others will say, “Too bad, you had your chance, you’re going to hell.”

I say that I sure don’t know.

I’m not necessarily searching for a difinitive answer as to whether they go to heaven or not, but more as to whether there is any scriptural basis for the C.S. Lewis quote.

Posting the same thread in two different forums is called cross-posting and is not allowed here. I’ll close this one. The GD thread is http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?threadid=97316

moderator GQ

[I removed my mention of reposting a closed thread. I now realize the second thread in GQ was the result of an accidental double post. I apologize for my misunderstanding.]

[Edited by bibliophage on 11-05-2001 at 04:08 PM]