HELLO?! Am I on everyone's ignore list?


You mean like this one? Sure.

I haven’t got the slightest clue what it is, either. So it’s not as though every American would know what a “halvsie” is.

According to halvsie.com, it’s a term for people who are half-Japanese and half-American. Or something.

That makes four of us.

And lorene: I actually thought about posting to your thread ten minutes after you posted it but I didn’t think “EWWWWWWW!” would have been a very useful reply, much like “I don’t know” would have been pointless to post to Rilchiam’s thread.

Halvsie is a dog with only two legs, both on the same side of its body. This dog is most likely apocryphal, but there was a nice long thread about Halvsie some time ago. That thread is considered by some to be a SDMB classic.

Halvsie, the two-legged dog.

To answer the query of the OP, no. I haven’t has sufficient interaction with you to want to put you on iggy. Even the flaming four-alarm-union-card-carrying assholes of this board aren’t on my iggy list. Why? Because sometimes it’s fun to watch someone take idiot to art form. :smiley:

Maybe you were on their vehicular ‘Ignore List’, and could not be seen?

Board rules prevent me from answering this question truthfully.

(Just kidding. But damn, what a dumb thread…)

It was a satire on dumb threads. :wink:

Sorry to hijack, but I gotta. Why the fuck is someone who carries a union card proudly an asshole or idiot?

Because they belong to the the Asshole or Idiot’s Union, hence why they are carrying the cards. Duuuh! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it’s a product used to increase corn yeilds.

One unanswered thread? That’s nothing. A few days ago I went through all of the threads I ever started, and I have freakin’ 16 of them.
Kind of makes me feel like shit, but then I don’t blame the other members of the board. I realize that I just must be a crapy poster.
So anyway, be thankful that you only have just one unanswered post.

Now you have one less unanswered post!

Dang, I thought she was just being expressive and facetious, I didn’t think she was REALLY “whining” at anyone in particular, or really SERIOUS about “how come you all aren’t paying attention to me”.

But, silly me, I misread people that way sometimes (semi sarcastic smilie).