Hello, my baby...

Hello my honey…

[sub]No, no…the cub’s not coming 'til October. I just wanted to start my OWN sing-along thread. So keep it going, you know the next line…[/sub]

Hello, my ragtime gal . . .

someone enters the room and the frog stops singing

Send me a kiss by wire? ((Am I totally mondegreening that line?))



Send me a kiss by wire . . .

Baby, my heart’s on fire!

Baby my hearts on fire

[sub]that’s right, isn’t it?[/sub]

Send me a kiss by wire? ((Am I totally mondegreening that line?))

If you refuse me…

((OT: What the h*ll is up with my posting today? That’s the second time that’s happened. I post once… hit the button once… and it posts twice so far about 10 or so minutes apart. Stupid sucky connection.))

Honey, you’ll lose me…

(Simetra, we can try it as a round.)

[Big flourish]
…Honey, you’ll lose me
Then you’ll be left alone
Oh, baby, telephone,
And tell me I’m your own…
[/Big flourish]


Well, since Superdude finshed it off for us… I guess the next logical step would be…

~“Behind the waterfall…!”


Thanks. Now I’m singing that thing.

No, no, Simet-

No, no, Simet-

No, no, Simet- [sub]Dangit, man! Which one am I supposed to reply to?[/sub]:stuck_out_tongue:

Let’s finish the one cartoon first -

Everybody do the Michigan Rag!

[sub]BTW, does anyone know if these are real songs, or were they made up for the 'toon?[/sub]

Everybody likes the Michigan rag…
(Michael Maltese wrote this one just for the cartoon.)


I’m pretty sure the “Hello My Baby” song is a real one, or else my beginner’s piano lesson book from third grade had cartoon scores in it…

“Hello, My Baby” is indeed a “real song.” According to my handy-dandy Family Songbook:

“While touring in vaudeville in 1899, Joe Howard overheard a Negro porter in a Scranton, Pennsylvania hotel talk to his girl on the telephone. His conversation gave Howard the idea for his cake-walking, ragtime telephone number, ‘Hello, My Baby,’ which he wrote with his wife. Two weeks later Howard introduced it on stage to enthusiastic acclaim.”

I’m calling you-oo-oo-oo…
((Another song I remember that d*mn frog singing.)) :wink:

Yup. {url=“http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/sheetmusic/n/n07/n0743/”]Hello Ma Baby dates from 1899 and celebrates the wonderfulness of the telephone - lots of turn-of-the-century songs were about about planes, trains, automobiles and new technology.