Maybe I missed it, but if some punk comes in your house and calls your daddy the devil, it’s ok with you Dopers? Couple days after his vomitting all over your country, nothing in The BBQ Pit? Ok, he’s not your daddy, he’s your president, love him or hate him, he’s still your president. I loathed that pantywaiste JImmy Carter, but if that cur Ruhollah Khomeini had flown in and denounced that peckerwood as the Great Satan, with UN applause, I would have been pissed. Hell, even Pelosi and Rangel spoke up against Chavez, and indirectly the fool American citizens in Harlem that fucking applauded him. Anyway, I pit that shit Chavez. And I am I sad that Dopers are so self-loathing that they take his shiite in stride.
And I pit that tyrant Castro, and that fool Ahmadinejad.
Kicking puppies isn’t any fun. It’s like being insulted by your 5-year-old brother when you’re in high school. You ignore it and go about your business.
Why bother pitting such an egregious asshole? Half the fun of a Pit thread is watching or engaging in the knock-down drag-out fights that usually erupt, and who’s going to pick up the cudgels for Chavez’s boorish maunderings?
What is he offers cheap heating oil though brah?
Erm…because it was real hoot of a Pit rant, and as such was hilarious?
Dunno about you, but I loved it. It’s got a good beat and you can dance to it; I gave it a 6.5. I was forced to deduct 0.5 from his score for waving Noam Chomsky’s book from the pulpit (oops, from the rostrum) instead of a Bible, but hey.
Or maybe just because we all recognized it for what it was–political grandstanding by a Third World player-wannabe who was intent on making the most of his 2 minutes on camera, and who can now go home and tell his electorate, “See! I stuck it to those Yankees good!” It is to yawn, not to take umbrage.
Why should that affect what anyone thinks of his comments that you’re pitting? The cheap oil is in part a ploy for good public relations, sure – so we take the oil to aid the people that need it, say “Thanks for helping out,” and continue to think he’s an asshole.
:dubious: “brah”?
Well, I thought he was talking about Reggie Bush and the NCAA investigation of USC.
So not true! Ann “Manhands” Coulter, Jack (Ain’t Got) Chick, Tony Snowjob. . . the list of egregious assholes who get defended in the Pit is long and. . .long.
I’ll toss Chavez a bone. The “smell of sulfur” crack was dang funny.
Aw hell, somebody beat me to the almost defending part. Darn you to heck, DDG!
Chick’s been defended in the Pit? I ask for a linky, not because I don’t believe you, but because that sounds damn entertaining.
Well, no.
But the threads are long and entertaining.
Who is “we?” The UN members applauded him, US citizens applauded him, as I cited above, heck even Sen. Tom Harkin defended him. Trite as it is, Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the [country]. Otherwise, we got Yugoslavia or whatever else socialist paradise you want to throw in there.
A favorite spectre of Evil Liberalhood, Sen. Nancy Pelosi, called him a thug. As a non-card-carrying liberal, I just sneered at the idiot/thug/whatever and shrugged.
I have to admit, this gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. I so often think that absolutely nothing is over the line on the Boards that it’s nice to see that something still is, in reality.
Meh, only for today, given democrats’ track records they will be parroting Chavez next week. He is a product of our partisan politics, frankly.
It’s the first time I’ve heard Pelosi be right about anything.
Jesus Christ, you’re a fucking retard. You honestly think we’re going to become Yugoslavia because some people applauded this guy (even though, as pointed out, many more - here on this lefty board and real-life liberal politicians - called him an idiot)? Get a grip. And if you really believe that “come to the aid of your country” line, I’m sure they could use you over in Iraq.
Not if you believe Ari:
Are you claiming that instead, Bush used the CIA for partisan gain? :eek:
No, I’m claiming that you are a barbarian idiot thirsting for the dark ages. And that you are a douchebag.
Sorry, Operation Ripper, I didn’t bother to check the schedule and just now found out I was assigned to launch the anti-Chavez Pit thread. My bad.
For the resto of you, why don’t you people ever remind me of these things on time? I mean, the OP obviously got the message that he was playing the village idiot this week. Jeez Louise.