Help come up with group names

We’ve all heard of “gaggle of geese”, “murder of crows”, “exaltation of larks”, pride of lions", etc… What would be some good group names for humans?

I like the following:
a Cassandra of Environmentalists
a Futility of Educators
a Techno of Gays
an Annoyance of Pundits
an Eisenhower of Retirees
a Sensitivity of Liberals
an Apathy of Conservatives

Suggestions, please.

a Wrong Forum of Threads…? (IMHO :wink: )

An anthology of pros.

An obnoxiousness of children.

Doesn’t quite have the same ring as “A Pride of Gays” does it?
Though with some flamers, I wonder if “An Inferno of Gays” wouldn’t be a more fitting grouping.

Off to IMHO.

Annoyingness of parents.

I have heard:

a kiss of vampires
an annoyance of cyclists
a murder of crows

I was thinking about this in Cafe Society the other day – what do you call fantasy fans (i.e., those whose only cinematic plans for the next three weeks involve “The Two Towers”) when they travel en masse?

Clive Holmes, eminent English Civil War historian (and my supervisor’s husband to boot), suggested “a malice of historians.” Perfect.

A Confusion of Hamlets. (My title for a cheat-sheet about differences between the three texts of the play, but it could probably apply just as well to the collected film versions, or whatever.)

And in the same vein:

A dismemberment of Titus Andronicuses. (Titi Andronici?)

A fellowship of geeks?

I like!

And perhaps a tempest of King Lears?

Personally, I call them a bunch of geeks. As in, holy F, what a bunch of geeks! :wink:

Please take no offense, as I most certainly am one of those people myself.


Originally posted by twickster47

I was thinking about this in Cafe Society the other day – what do you call fantasy fans (i.e., those whose only cinematic plans for the next three weeks involve “The Two Towers”) when they travel en masse?

Nerd Herd was popular in my high school.
I’ve grown to prefer Otaku, for the Japanesse slang for Fan-boy.

A Virginity of Trekkies
A Galactica of Sci-Fi fans
A Whine of Bleeding Hearts
A Plaid of Lesbians
A Dud of Costner Films

A Disaster of Kennedys