Staff Christmas party!!
I need ideas and suggestions for activities I can arrange for an adult only Christmas party.
It is for work, so I have to pretend to be good Although “bad” ideas are okay too !
Staff Christmas party!!
I need ideas and suggestions for activities I can arrange for an adult only Christmas party.
It is for work, so I have to pretend to be good Although “bad” ideas are okay too !
I think I would need more info. Type of business you work at, how many people are going to be at the Christmas party, and how formal/informal you want it. Do you want do to something really ambitious, or do you just want to get through the evening without people dropping of boredom?
My ex used to head the social committee at his job, and he was planning for parties of about 150 people who worked at a grocery store. Most of the parties had a semi-formal dinner and then a dance, sometimes with a theme. My Christmas parties when I worked at the bar tended to be for about 20 people, not only NOT formal, but clothing was truly optional. The only thing we had the next day when we picked ourselves off of the pool tables was an amazing ringing sound in our ears, and some incriminating photo’s. So you can clearly see how some more background info would be handy…
Oops! Details are a great idea!!
There will be somewhere around 200 people. The dress is semi formal. The business is a fast food franchise consisting of 35 stores. The staff are for the most part quite young (ranging from 19 to 45). They are not “professionals”, most of them are working for minimum wage or a little bit above that.
In the past years we have had a band spoof done by management (huge success), Karioke (flop) and various games like the Limbo.
I am hoping to come up with something…ANYTHING, that will be fun for all the staff and not completely embarass the people who have to pull it off…specifically ME!
I can’t step over the boundaries of good taste…at least until the owner leaves but just about anything goes.
The only idea anyone at work has had is to have a 1 hour dance marathon.
At one of the past celebrations we’ve had here where I work was a mock game show. The company which put it on for us supplied a contestants stand similar to the one used on Win Ben Stein’s Money, except it accomodated 4 contestants at a time. The partygoers were divided into teams and each subteam would be on the stand for a few questions, then the next set of team members would come up. It was pretty fun.
Here in the Silicon Valley, there’s quite a few companies which conduct corporate parties. At another one, we had dinner and drinks at an indoor bocci ball facility while we played (what else?) bocci ball. Again, pretty fun.
Well, I hate to be boring, but I would be tempted to have a dinner, then something light hearted for everyone who likes to let loose. There’s going to be a certain percentage of people who want something quiet, and a larger percentage of people who want something fun. (Bearing in mind I’m following the ex’s formula for planning these). They would sell tickets for a dinner, which included the stuff afterwards, and like $2 tickets for the dance/stuff afterwards. Judging from the staff parties I’ve been too, that seems pretty standard (at least around here) for large functions. They also used to have draws for stuff ranging from drink tickets to bikes to cordless phones. They went over well too. The game show idea sounds like fun too, but it should be when everyones had a few drinks and have loosened up. Hmmm… It may be hard if you want to involve everyone in that, but it might be fun for people to watch.
I don’t know. Hey, I’m trying.
Angkins - just throwing my 2 cents in, but this is one of the job responsibilities I have too, so I’ll give you some of the stuff that has worked for me in the past.
Vegas Night - this was by far the most well received. Dinner consisted of a buffet (we had it at a country club), the “dealers” and “games” were subcontracted, (check yellow pages for entertainers - we got them there) and afterwards, there was dancing (we had a DJ). It’s way too involved for a post - email me if you want to hear more. You could always change the theme - Swing Dancing, Disco, etc. - the cheesy possibilities are endless!
Venetian Night - we did a moonlight cruise on the Odyssey. But that’s more of a summer/Chicago kinda thing, so I guess that won’t work.
There’s always the “Murder Mystery” things - you know, when the guests all have to do a “Clue” kind of thing and figure out who the “murderer” is - there’s another thread about similar such games and stuff in MPSIMS, I think.
Oh - we also had an “Around the World” kind of thing - dinner, dancing, and really really good party favors (AmEx gift certificates, cameras, etc.) at a museum downtown - did a various country kind of theme - food stations throughout the museum with regional food and drinks, including band combos playing regional music…does that make any sense? After dinner there was a live band and they played “swing dancing” kind of music. No, I don’t know what the genre is called. Hey - I’m tired and can’t afford coffee today!
Anyway, if you want some further details on stuff we’ve pulled together, email me, chickie!
Missy’s a Moron, Missy’s a Moron, COME ON FOLKS, SING IT WITH ME, Missy’s a Moron, Missy’s a Moron
Above is Lola’s thread about the mystery thing, right here in IMHO.
God, I need some Tylenol…
You could always hire a ballroom dance instructor for a few hours, and give group lessons. I know a few people who’ve gone to parties like this, and they’ve really enjoyed it.