Help! I need my daily quick-and-easy adrenalin fix!

Help! I spent Memorial Day weekend adventurously (see my recent posts in the Ongoing General Aviation thread) and now, over the last half week, the adrenalin has been wearing off, leaving me in a state of Acute Adrenalin Withdrawal. It seems I’m becoming a whacked-out Adrenalin Junkie!

Weekends like that don’t just happen every day. In between times, I’m starting to find that I need my daily adrenalin fix! (And probably will need steadily increasing doses too :eek:)

I need suggestions for quick-and-easy (and cheap) adrenalin hits! Something I can do on fairly regularly on the spur of the moment when the urge befalls me (as opposed to taking months of planning and preparation like that last weekend did); something that doesn’t require expensive equipment nor extensive training and experience; something inexpensive; something I can run out and do on the spot whenever I want. (And something reasonably safe, and maybe even legal, too, I suppose.) So anything like skydiving or luge racing is probably not what I’m looking for here.

Isn’t there just a simple Magic Adrenalin Pill I can get? Should I just become a whacked-out meth-head in between being a whacked-out adrenalin junkie?

Need answer by yesterday afternoon, if possible!


Skateboarding? Mountain biking? Motorcycling? Rock climbing?

Throwing yourself down a flight of stairs?

Going into a biker bar and calling the biggest guy in there a pussy?

Driving on the expressway with your eyes shut?

This scheme has already been studied, and found ineffective.

Now this has potential – Doesn’t require any investment in equipment (other than a car that I already have); doesn’t require training (other than knowing how to drive, which I already do); isn’t any more expensive than, y’know, just going for a drive; and I can do it anytime on the spot that I need the adrenalin. Unfortunately, my addiction has progressed to the stage that this simply isn’t enough, or won’t be for long. This probably would have worked well as recently as a year ago.

Watch the news.


If you work with other people arrange for them to attack you without warning once in a while. Slap on the back of the head while walking past, throw a cup of water (make it look like coffee) in your face, violently kick the door while you are on the toilet etc.

Extreme sneezing.

Tinder. Or Grindr. Whichever doesn’t fit your preferences.