Help identifying coin content

These are actually medallions, not coins. Some years ago I acquired part of a set of historical medals that were issued by the Judaic Heritage Society (via the Franklin Mint, I suspect). The set was 120 medals and was called “The Medallic History of the Jewish People”.

The rounds have a silver tone to them, but not the same sheen you would associate with a silver coin. They are exhibiting some tarnish.

I am trying to sell these, but don’t know what the metal content is. I’m hoping that someone is familiar with this issue and can clue me in. An internet search has been unproductive.

This looks like it might be it:

I found this here. The blurb describes them as “Silver Medals”, though whether that describes the composition or the color, I can’t say for certain. It gives you an idea of the price, however, so I hope it’s helpful.

I’ve written a short e-mail to the Franklin Mint asking about the metallic content. They claim to respond to virtually all requests within 24 hours. We’ll see what they have to say.

I found that site as well, good Q, but as you noted, it doesn’t say much. I’ve also seen them referred to as “silvered bronze” and even just “bronze”. I don’t buy the last one. There’s enough ambiguity that I’m hoping UncleBeer’s query will clear things up.

They are quite striking (no pun intended) medals, with portraits on the fronts and a brief bio on the back. I can’t tell if the discoloration is tarnish or toning or base metal bleed-through.

Since I’m not around my reference library at the moment, is there any writing or inscription on the edge of the medals. Franklin Mint medals that appear to be silver, are usually sterling silver. 90%+ are marked “sterling” on the edges.

Your’s may not. I’m not aware of FM producing silver-plated copper medals.

This just in from the Franklin Mint:

“The set of 120 Medallic History of Jewish People contains 100 troy ounces.”

I would assume this means 100 troy ounces of sterling silver, given Sam Clem’s add’l info. Looks like you’ve got something worth a few bucks there. The New York Spot Price for silver is $6.32/oz right now. Of course, collectibles have a greater value than mere bullion. Good luck selling 'em.

First off I’d pick up the phone and call the Franklin Mint.

Second take one to a reputable jeweler or coin dealer.

The Franklin Mint “mints” money by issuing medals, reproductions of antique art and scientific objects of interest to limited clientel at something less than bargain prices.

Their medallions were frequently made of pewter alloy of tin, copper, & antimony. Lead is no longer used due to it poisonous nature.

Odd that they wouldn’t say 100 troy ounces of…what? Sterling silver is generally accepted to be .925, (the copper content being no more than 7.5%), so it’s not a big loss.

Problem is, I don’t have the entire set, so the collectibility takes a beating. I should still be able to get about $400 for it, and thanks for the trouble. I didn’t think about contacting the FM for the information. :smack:

I’ve written back to the Franklin Mint asking, “100 troy ounces of ‘What?’” Let’s see what they say.

Franklin Mint has confirmed via e-mail that this set of medallions comprises 100 troy ounces of Sterling silver.