Help me accept it... (penis size)

At this point you need to get naked, spank it to full proportions, take a picture, and we’ll rate you on an Olympic scale.

with bigger man I just meant that he’s probably more secure or something.

Timestamp, you asked reassurance. You got it.
Then you went out of your way to say, basically: “yes but”. It seems the more reassurance the Dopers throw at you, the more you talk yourself into having a problem. What are you *really * trying to achieve here?

And people, Timestamp is not ready for life’s truths. Just point the guy to a site which gives lower sizes as average, okay? Any medical site that is not trying to sell anything will do.

I just want to believe I’m okay.
I appologize for feeling bad.

Like this one?

“In round figures, this means that the great majority of men measure between 15cm (6”) and 18cm (7") in the erect position, with the average figure being about 16.5cm (6 ½")."

I think it’s strange that a different page ( ) from the same site sais this :

“Masters and Johnson (1966) found that the size of the erect penis ranges from 12.5 to 17.5cm (5 to 7in). (…) The average size of the erect penis, measured in the same way as above, is around 12.9cm (5.2in).”
Also worth reading (for me at least) was this :

"Does penis size matter?

The answer to this question rather depends upon your perspective. If you believe that you have a small penis, it may matter very much to you, however unimportant the issue might seem to others. Some men become quite obsessed by the size of their penis and will consider almost anything, including surgery, to enlarge it. Most of these men will have a penis that falls within the suggested normal size range, but that does not always make them feel normal or better about themselves. Both they, and their doctor, should recognise that this is primarily a psychological problem, connected to physical and sexual self-image, rather than a physical handicap."

It’s odd to see your own very real emotions described so “clinically”, isn’t it?

yeah but that still doesn’t mean you should make me feel inferior about it. I have these emotions and am trying to deal with them but I keep thinking negative things.

You’re actually not okay. But only in terms of your thoughts and emotions on the matter.

Size might actually matter at the furthest extremes, but not anywhere near the average and you are near that average. As a starting point, you have more than enough to get the job done more than adequately - add to this a good measure of sensitivity, understanding, communication, technique and care and the entire package you’re offering will be very very much above average. Think about it for a moment; what traits of men do women complain about most often? I’d say it will be something like (in no particular order):
-Untidiness/poor personal hygiene

I’m certain this will be a woefully incomplete list, but the point is, I’d be surprised if ‘penis size slightly smaller than I would have expected’ ranks in the top fifty of women’s complaints about men.

There isn’t anything anyone here can do or say to change the size of your penis, all we can try to do is convince you (of what I actually believe to be the truth) that you don’t actually have a size problem.

Or would you prefer useless lies to the effect that your penis is the size of the Queen Mary 2? Snap the fuck out of it.

Timestamp, the worst thing about insecurity is that everything makes you feel more and more inferior. Even well meant advice to get over it. Even reassurance. Insecurity feeds on itself and gets fatter and fatter the more you feed it, the more you fuss about it. The good advice in this thread seemed only to make you fuss more.

The only way out is admitting that the problem isn’t in your genitals, (or car, or wallet, or for women, their wrinkles or their big butts) but in your head.
For that, I had to be a little stern with you, so you would go out and get the info yourself. More reassurance wouldn’t have done you any good; your little voice inside would just have come up with counterarguments and made you feel even worse.

Very wise words. And not just for those who may feel they are genitally challenged!

Oh and guys? Next time you want to understand how a woman feels when she has been told she is fat, try imagining a guy who’s been told that he has a small penis.

*“Yes honey, you’re a bit overweight, but I love you anyway and you still look good in a skirt because you’ve got pretty legs”. *

feels roughly the same as

“Yes honey, your penis is a bit small, but I love you anyway and it still feels good when I’m on top”

Both fall in the category of “So Called Honest Compliments That Just Made Matters Disastrously Worse For The Next Three Weeks”.

Except, of course, that no women would ever comment on a penis in the same way many men feel entitled to comment the female form. :rolleyes: But trust me, the effect is the same.

In my own defence, this chart :

shows that 70% of the men who are in the “modest” group (141.5mm or 5.6") are unhappy about it, and only ten percent are happy. It’s from a study on 2,545 males.

So it’s not abnormal for me to feel unhappy about this. But it’s not very accuraging either…

Thanks for the efforts.

Did you use a ruler or one of those floppy tape measures that seamstresses use? If you used a ruler, you probably lost some length because of the curve of the penis when it’s erect.


As a heterosexual male, you have to understand that any sexually active heterosexual female is going to, on average, see way more erect penii in person than you will.

Therefore, said female will be a much better arbiter of what is average and what is not. If your girlfriend is then thusly happy, her word carries alot.

I’ve had way too big and quite small (a lot smaller than you). And you know what? With the smaller guy, the sex was much, much better. Why? Because he was more caring, more affectionate, more lighthearted, and more sensual. With the way-too-big guy, I couldn’t just relax and enjoy it, because I had to focus on being relaxed enough for it not to hurt!

You do have a point, but wouldn’t a survey like this one be even more accurate? I don’t think my girlfriend has seen that much penii :slight_smile:

I know the sex is good, for her as well, and that should make everything allright you’d think… still it bothers me. It’s not that I want it to bother me…

I think I’ll go outside for a while now.

Well, Timestamp, I’m female and there are parts of me that are smaller than I’d like. They also happen to be parts that our society is obsessed with. I am constantly bombarded with the knowledge that I am below average. A lot of the time, it makes me miserable. But I reassure myself that despite my inadequacies, my love life has always been full. It seems that most people think I’m good enough the way I am, so who am I to quarrel with them? It seems to me you have the same situation.

Avoid the things that upset you when you can, and concentrate on the things that are okay. Your only other choice is to go around feeling rotten and being unable to do anything about it.
And hey! when you’re dressed, the rest of us can’t even tell you “have a problem.” :wink:

I put it in quotes! I didn’t mean it!

Nope, not in the slightest. These surveys are voluntary. When a sample is self selecting, it’s going to be self-limiting toward “people who wanted to participate in this poll,” and you have to take into account what personal reasons factored into that decision. In the case it’s skewed toward “guys who don’t mind announcing their penis length to the world, and in some cases taking pictures of it and showing it off” i.e., the average guy who takes the poll knows his penis is just great, to the point that he’ll post its dimensions on the internet for all to see, albeit anonymously.

Can you see that guys with smaller-than-average penises might tend to voluntarily remove themselves from this sample? For example, would YOU (a guy who feels insecure about himself) fill out the form? And yet do you also see that if you and and a few other smaller guys DID add yourselves, you’d bring the real average that much closer to your own length?

And it should be pointed out that while the survey author asks for accurate numbers, there are no safeguards in place to ensure honesty. A guy measuring himself can fudge the numbers or even lie outright, and which way do you think the misinformation is going to go?

So. You’ve got a survey that’s mostly going to be taken by guys who tend to want to brag about their penises, plus an unknown number of exaggerations, plus a tendency for smaller guys to remove themselves from the sample. How much bigger than the actual average might the result be? It could be WAY too high. And yet you’re not much smaller than that inflated (no pun intended) number. Think about THAT.

Now the informal sample taken by heterosexual women as a whole, on the other hand, is composed of “guys who get naked with women.” This is not a group that will self-limit very much! With the exclusion of homosexuals, whom no-one has reason to believe have larger or smaller penises than average and thus whose removal should not skew the results, the vast majority of men will actively try to participate in this survey. It’s a sample that’s far more representative of the actual population, since it IS the actual population. And the women here (including your girlfriend, who’s the one who REALLY counts) are all saying you’re fine, size-wise.

Who are you going to believe; an anonymous, undoubtedly skewed internet poll or the real live women who’ve seen the darned things for themselves?

AWWWW… Other guys are unhappy when they have average penises, so I have to be too. Grow the hell up. You say you’re 24. Start acting like it.