Help me become more interesting!

Well, when I moved out of home my mum gave me about a thousand recipe books - obviously concerned that I would not be looking after myself conscientiously enough.

Are you suggesting that I actually take one off the shelf and use it? That’s quite an idea - brilliant, yet so simple…

Honestly, and I realize I’m probably not the typical woman in this respect, but if I met a guy who knit and was knowledgeable about it, I’d find that incredibly sexy. Being confident enough to take up something that’s traditionally a woman’s job and being open about it is terribly attractive. Not the knitting itself, but the confidence. Now, if that guy also loved to read and cook, I’d club him over the head and drag him back to my cave. And if he could ballroom dance, I’d drag him under the nearest table.

Enthusiasm is sexy. If you say you love to read, then tell me about the fantastic book you just read, and you can talk intelligenly about it, that’s a million points. If you have another hobby that you’re enthusiastic about, there’s another million points. I like a guy who has a wide range of interests. Don’t just say you read; talk about what you read about. A conversation about books can go a thousand ways.

Points being theoretical, of course. I don’t keep a scoreboard in my head.

I just put down this intarsia sweater that I’ve been working on to stop in and say, Hi! I was reading I, Lucifer by Glen Duncan, but it’s taking me a bit to get used to his literary style so I went back to the knitting. Ingenious story and quite a fun read, though. I recommend it.

I’m also trying to find a new recipe for Rump Roast. I am tired of the same old Yankee Pot Roast preparation. Sauerbraten sounds good, maybe? That looks like its out for tonight though, I need a recipe with a shorter preparation time since I have a dance class later.

::Looks around for the nearest table::

Bingo! You also have the bonus of offering her “private lessons” once you get good enough. :wink:

Excuse me, but that’s called ‘driver’s school’, thankyouverymuch… :cool:
My dad used to Solo his Pinto against Corvettes until the 'Vette drivers complained. Smaller turning radius and embarrassment and whatnot.

OP, I don’t know how urban your area is, but hiking is a great hobby. See new things, meet new people, feed indigenous flora, etc.

Yeah! Just watch me go!

<climb, climb, climb, slip, fall, thud!>

Come visit me in the hospital, ok? :smiley:

Cooking IS really useful, but skip it if it doesn’t interest you.

Take up something YOU’VE always wanted to try/learn/do. It may not impress the girl of your dreams, but you’ll be having fun, and a person who knows how to have fun, and is passionate about thier avocations is lots more fun/interesting then someone who goes to lots of wine tastings because they think it will make them a chick magnet.

Eventually you will stumble across someone who thinks your cool for being you, and you won’t have to keep wasting time doing something just to be interesting.

When I was younger I flew hang gliders. Great conversation starter, seemed really sexy, never had problem getting a date. BIG problems starting relationships though, women don’t like a guy who is never available on weekends unless the weather is bad. Spends all his money on the new glider, truck to haul it, etc.

I NEVER would have thought that taking up the bagpipes (still really bad) would be good for my social life, but it turns out LOTS of women think it’s really cool. (could be the kilt thing as well).

{bolding mine}
See, with that V over it from the Vette, I read this as “viking is a great hobby.” Now that would really make you interesting!

Bravo, devilsknew. Bravo. Obviously a man of discerning tastes.


Thats why you have a belayer. hint hint nudge nudge

Kevbo is right on target. You have to pursue the things that interest you. What do you like to read about? Is there one particular subject in particular? Is there anything on the internet that absorbs you?

I have found many interests over time that I have paid attention to for a year or so and then become absorbed in something else. I’m always waiting for the next thing to catch my attention.

Travel is a good way to broaden your interests and planning the trip itself can be absorbing. (And it involves reading and using the internet.)

If you don’t have a trip you are currently planning, you can always say that you are thinking about doing some travelling, but you are uncertain about where you want to go. Does she have any suggestions?

But don’t make up stuff. Very bad advice. Women value sincerity as much as men value good looks.

It’s evolutionary, Zoe. At least, that’s what I tell the wife…

Here’s your response:
Well, lots of stuff that you might find boring, but I’m glad to see we do share one common interest.

ART SHOWS! We both like art shows…Say, (blank) night there’s gonna be this showing at (blank). Wanna go?
Fill in the blanks and you are In Like Flynn!

See, I’ve never understood this idea of “help me to be able to attract every single woman/man I ever lay eyes on!” Obviously you’ve already “taken up” the things that interest you. Why “take up” rock climbing when you have no interest in it just to be able to get a date with the hypothetical rock-climbing woman you MIGHT some day meet? Do you realize that if you were to “take up” an avocation in the hopes of attracting every woman you strike up a conversation with, you’d have to hope for 2,309 hours in a day?

BE YOURSELF! Pursue interests that INTEREST you, that’s why they’re called “interests”. So this chick wasn’t so interested in a bookworm. Why do you think that automatically translates to “I’m not interesting.” Guess what, you are not going to be liked by 100% of the people you meet. Some will find you boring, some will find you fascinating, and most will find you something in between.

I personally find readers and internet surfers to be some of the most interesting people. People who knit can only talk about knitting. People who read and surf can talk about many, many subjects.

I suspect the one most attractive answer is, “Well, I like to [whatever it is, and reading is okay, especially if you can add one short sentence about your latest book]. How about you?” Practice saying that with a fascinated expression on your face. I’ve noticed that the people who are most often thought of as interesting are really good at being interested in whoever they’re talking to.

Oh, you find yourself becoming a cookbook collector lately! Does she like cookbooks? What kinds of food does she like? What does she do in HER spare time? By then, theoretically, you’d probably have quite a bit to talk with her about, especially if you’re a good listener.

What others have said about being honest–and not trying to make her think you’re something you’re not–is spot on, IMHO.

Interesting stories usually come from something terribly wrong that has happened to you. All you have to do to have these kind of stories is agree with every irrational suggestions your friends come up with. If your friend Bob calls you and says, “hey **Bernard Marx **, some of the guys are going to put on ape costumes and ride around in Jim’s convertible and try to pick up some chicks” you should consider it. Next time a girl asks you what you do in your spare time you will have a story.

Still, “I read a lot” is a perfectly good answer. You met the girl at an art exhibition right? Sounds like she might be into smart guys.

Chicks dig pipers? No shit! I’ve been playing for seven years!

Darn ! I bet I’d suck at knitting… especially having very bad manual dexterity… :smack: I’m losing such an obvious chick magnet !
Maybe I should get into candlemaking … :smiley: