I had jury duty today. And yesterday. And the day before that. While taking up three days of my life wasn’t so hot, I actually enjoyed getting an upclose look at the court system, civic duty, and all that.
I’m not so happy with the verdict. Actually, I’m very very upset.
8 people were selected for the jury, which was reduced to 6 for deliberations. I was not one of the 6. So while I had formed a very strong opinion on the matter, my opinion didn’t count. While annoying, that’s not precisely why I’m so upset.
I was shocked that the jury came back with a guilty verdict (precisely one guilty and two not guilty). I was convinced of a not guilty result. To me, it wasn’t even close in my mind.
Now a young woman has a conviction of assaulting an officer because she “touched” him. (I don’t believe she touched him, but even if she did, charging her with assault is BS). The officers testified that the young woman was polite, compliant with requests, and actively trying to diffuse the situation that was escalating due to the actions of her friend. Oh, and she ended up with stitches and scars. The officer? not a scratch.
I can’t believe the system even put her through a trial!
The other ‘alternate’ also thought she was not guilty. He was even more incensed than me. He thought the officer should be investigated for hurting her.
So now I’m wracked with guilt, anger, sadness… I just feel really bad right now.
Help me understand. I want to believe in this system of justice. Right now I really don’t.