Help Me Figure Out How To Work From Home

In the past two years I have lost a job due to layoffs and quit another because I couldn’t work for a company that was so careless about its environmental impact. I live in an area where my skill set isn’t really in demand, and don’t want to move. Also, my employment experiences have left me a little frustrated with working for other people, and am trying to think of a way to work from home. Have cable modem, will travel, so to speak.

I have a B.S. in molecular biology from a Auburn University, and work experience as a research tech, environmental specialist, general chemistry tech, and a few other non-technical jobs. Since my bartending gig only barely covers expenses, I’ve started to think about working for me. At the very least, earning a little cash online has to be more productive than sitting on the couch watching Star Trek reruns before I go to sling drinks at night.

I checked out a book from my local library as a starting off point and the possibilities I’ve come up with so far are:

Abstracting Service - writing synopsi for databases.


Information Specialist/ Broker - doing online research for people.


Technical Writer

I’d probably be best at technical writing due to my background, but I’m keeping my options open. My interests are pretty varied.

So anywho, any help the teeming millions can offer in the form of advice, ideas, or past experiences would be greatly appreciated.