Somewhere on the web there must be (some individual’s attempt at) an essential list of Cthulhu Mythos stories.
Anyone have link?
(sigh) Yeah, you have to go to the later stories by his acolytes (Derleth, Howard Carter–no, not him, Bloch, etc) to find Mythos writers who can WRITE, but I’ve grown fond of ol’ HP, flaws and all.
:dubious: (IMO: good anthologist, lousy writer)
TGWATY, are you looking for just the stories written by HPL, or later pastiches as well? There’s about a zillion of 'em, few of which are actually worth reading.
Here’s a list of Cthulhu Mythos anthologies, which will probably contain a great deal of the stories related to the mythos.
Here is a link to Chaosium’s “Call of Cthulhu” fiction:
Thank you all for replying. I almost forgot I posted this.
Later pastiches. But I don’t want a zillion. Just a list from someone knowledgeable as to which are the good ones. E.g, Return of the Lloigor by Colin Wilson is good.
I’ve read everything by Lovecraft and I want more.
This is good. Thanks. I’ll probably use this as my guide if nothing else comes along.
You won’t want to miss that Cthulhu mythos story written by, of all people, Jorge Luis Borges.
I believe it is titled “There Are More Things” and it can be found in The Book of Sand: