Help me find a running music website

I found a site several months ago that listed popular songs by the pace you’d be running if you ran along with their BPM. It was searchable by what you wanted your running pace to be. I just spent 20 minutes trying to find it again, and all I can find are sites that have indie or techno music. This one had songs that people have actually heard of on it. :wink:

I would be forever grateful to anyone who might be able to find this site for me. My Google-Fu is apparently weak.

How about JogTunes?

PodRunner: Podrunner: Workout Music Mixes - Podrunner

(based on your description, though I do think of it as kinda techno so maybe there is something else)

I don’t know if that site will work for the OP, but it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for! :eek: :smiley: