Help me fix my id3 tags / This isn't a post about filesharing. Seriously.

Please, please, please, for the love of Methusaleh. I got this mass-tagging program (actually, 6 of them, but that’s another story entirely). However, they all have this funny knack of putting 00 in my track number. What this means, of course, is when I try to look at the songs in my mp3 player, it doesn’t show the song names in order. Does anybody know of a program where I can edit certain parts of the tag? A program that will, alternatively, allow me to rewrite all of the tags without that track number would be spectacular. For what it’s worth, I’m writing id3v2 tags exclusively.

Hey, uhh… can we keep this away from file-sharing and all that? I really do think this can be discussed without going off on that tangent. Especially since that tangent will probably get this thread closed. I appreciate your help in advance.

How’s this?

The Winamp 2.81 Media Library has a fairly intelligent autotagging ability… none of that Windows Media Player crap where all it does is toggles on an empty tag.

Pulls data from the file name and directory structure (which means you may end up with a couple hundred files from the album “My Downloads”, “My Music”, or something similar… easy to fix… select all the files from that “album” and remove the album field in a batch). While it may not get rid of the Track 00 problem (It may, I don’t recall seeing a feild for batch processing, but I wasn’t looking for it), it doesn’t fill it in like that and is actually one of the better (and free) programs I’ve used. If you’ve named your files with the Artist - Album - ## - Title.mp3 convention it will fill in the correct track numbers.