Help me identify a song?

I’ve tried and tried with google, but I can’t find it. Perhaps my memory’s faulty, and I’m getting some of the lyrics wrong.

I’m pretty sure it’d be considered a Jazz song, though it’s slow and depressing. It’s sung by a man with a rich, deep voice. The lyrics I remember are: “San Fran…cisco man”, something about how he’s not worth a shovel of dirt, and something along the lines of “she gave her life for her man”.

I’ve tried all the combinations of these I can think of in google, and nothing’s coming up. Can anyone help me out?

Whoops, this should have been in Cafe Society. I’ll ask a mod to move it.

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Moving thread from General Questions to Cafe Society.

Cab Calloway
San Francisco Fan

That’s it! Amazing how one wrong word left me completely unable to find it :smack:

Thank you! I did try to find it via a melody search, but my complete lack of singing ability let me down there.