I’ve had a vague memory of a song play in my head at random times over the past month or so, and like all earworms I’m convinced I can cure it by just listening it again for real. I must do so before not knowing what the hell that song is drives me insane. If I could remember the lyrics, I’d Google it, but I don’t, so I can’t. Here are the facts :
- single female vocalist, probably white girl, melodic singing over minimalist instruments (soft piano ? Maybe a lone accoustic guitar ? A capella a distinct possibility)
- bit of wobbly tremolo at times, sort of plaintive tone. Think Alanis Morisette, Tori Amos, Sarah McLachlan ballads.
- slow tempo
- I’m convinced I heard it as the soundtrack to a TV series, but not sure which. Likely candidates : Sons of Anarchy, House,* The West Wing*
- lyrics I think go something like :
May your something something something, may your thing always be thing
May your something SOMETHING something neeeeener neeneeeer na
May your something something something, may your thing something somethiiiiing
Help. Please. I beg of y’all.