Just for the heck of it, I’m making a list of major sites, destinations & locations in the DC universe. For the sake of simplicity, I am assuming a post-“Crisis”, post-“Zero Hour” single Earth UNIverse (not multiverse) -centric list, in the “present day” (as opposed to the multitude of worlds that only appear in LSH time). My list thus far includes the following:
-Daily Planet building
-Lexcorp HQ
-S.T.A.R. Labs
-Clark & Lois Kents’ apartment
-John & Martha Kents’ farm
Gotham City:
-Stately Wayne Manor & Batcave
-Wayne penthouse (onetime “Outsiders” hq) & secondary Batcave
-Oracle’s clocktower
-Arkham Asylum
-Gotham City central police HQ (w/Batsignal)
Gateway City
Washington D.C.:
-the Wonderdome
-Themiscyran embassy
Central City - Keystone City (“twin cities”)
Happy Valley
ruins of Coast City / Engine City
Happy Harbor
-site of original JLA hq - the Secret Sanctuary
Star City
-Ollie Queen’s former mansion & “Arrow cave”
-JLA Bunker
New York City:
-original Titans’ Tower (island in NYC harbor)
-Donna Troy’s penthouse
-former primary JLI embassy
Salem, Mass.:
-Dr. Fate’s tower
Boston (?):
-JSA brownstone
San Francisco
-new Titans’ Tower (island in bay)
[U}Outside USA;
Themiscyra (a.k.a. Paradise Island - unspecified ocean location)
Atlantis (bottom of Atlantic Ocean)
Qurac (middle-eastern nation)
-Fortress of Solitude
-Bottle City of Kandor
-X’onn X’orr (ancient martian settlement)
Former JLI embassies located throughout the world
Apokaliptan settlements located beneath major cities worldwide.
Solar System beyond Earth
Earth orbit:
-former JLA satalitte
-Injustice Gang satalitte
Earth’s Moon:
-JLA watchtower
(presumably) ruins of martian civilization
Beyond Earth system:
Krypton (destroyed world)
Oa (home of Guardians & GL corps.)
Thanagar (Hawkworld)
Rann (Adam Strange’s adopted homeworld)
Tamaran (Starfire’s homeworld)
Takron-Galtos (intergalactic prison world)
War World
New Genesis
Daxam (red sun world - home of Mon-el of the LSH)
Other Dimensions:
Dream Realm
Realm(s) of the Endless
Gemworld (Amethyst’s world - presumably still existing)
Null Space
Phantom Zone
Mirror Universe (Crime Syndicate’s world)
Negative Universe:
and just for those sticklers who insist on mentioning the former pre-“Crisis” multi-Earths (all now non-existent):
Earth-Two (JSA world)
Earth-Three (Crime Syndicate world)
Earth-Four (Charlton Comics world)
Earth-Prime (no superheroes world)
Earth-S (Shazam world)
Earth-X (Quality comics / Freedom Fighters world)
But, as I am not as familiar with the DC universe as I am with Marvel, I know I must be missing scads of locations. Please help fill in the blanks.