Help me make a spaghetti milkshake

Great. That’s half the answer to the OP’s question. The other half is “eat some spaghetti and meatballs first.” :stuck_out_tongue:

If he actually, honest-to-Og prefers liquefied spaghetti over the proper form, there’s something very, very wrong with him. Back slowly away, don’t make eye contact, and when he’s out of sight, run for your life.

You know how there are people who enjoy eating? Who like to chew things and taste food and go out to dinner? Not this man. He sees food as fuel, so the easiest, quickest, and most painless way to refuel is his goal. If we could make sci-fi-esque, spaghetti-in-pill-form, he’d sleep outside the supermarket the day of release. So, as scary as this might be, he might actuall, honest-to-Og prefer it this way. I didn’t ask because, well, it was just kind of gross. I’ll see what he says though. He is definitely intrigued, I’ll tell you that. I think he understands and acknowledges that real food, not smushed into a uniform paste, tastes better. It’s just that taste is low on the priority list. In fact, that list looks like this:

  • Does foodstuff have requisite calories for a long day of remodeling?
  • Is foodstuff prepared easily?
  • Can foodstuff be devoured with ease?
  • Can foodstuff be devoured without plasticware?
  • Is foodstuff vaguely edible?

Birdmonster, does your roommate know that there are easy ways to do this? Off the top of my head I’d recomend something like milk as the base, protein powder and maybe some psylium husks (unflavored Metamucil) for fiber for just basic nutrition. Blend it up and voila! meal in a glass. It doesn’t cover much in the way of veggies, but it would be easy and give fat, protein, milk sugar and fiber. Also, it wouldn’t look like puke :smiley:

The baby food idea isn’t bad either: take one can meat baby food, one can mixed veggies baby food and blend with soup or stock.

Hey, has your roommate ever heard of soup? It comes in cans now.

Um, I mean that it comes in drink cans like soda. Soup in a regular can has been out for a little longer.

OK, I’m really warming to this subject, since I realized that you may not want to help this succeed. So now I think the next step in this adventure is just random leftovers in the blender. Taste doesn’t matter, right? One leftover combination that I heard once and have never forgotten is tuna fish with sauerkraut. Blend that up with some pickle juice and see if roomie still thinks that taste doesn’t matter.

Breakfast could be really fun. Say, scrambled eggs blended with coffee and orange juice? Don’t forget to server it right after he has brushed his teeth, to get the minty freshness involved.

Offkenter: For a while, no: my thought was I’d be doing this to prove the man wrong. But after spending some time thinking about it, researching it, making it, and watching my roomie’s face light up like it was his wedding day, I’m totally hoping he’s inspired by last night and drinks all his food from now on. While it certainly grosses me out and offends my sensibilities as a pseudo-cook, the experience had the opposite effect I thought it would. Instead of proving to him that solid food is obviously superior, I’m happier having proved that liquefied food is, in his view, damn tasty. I hope he never eats a solid again.

Awesome. For some reason, when you describe what it looks like after you blend it together reminds me of Spaghetti-Os. I think you cracked their code.

That was my thought, too. It was the orange color, plus the hint of an abomination that should never have seen the light of day, that caused the mental connection.