Help me name my halloween graveyard

I need help! While I’ve got a ghastly graveyard facade made, I cannot for the death of me dig up any good names for a cemetery.

Best name wins the right to be painted in on the sign, and my everlasting gratitude.

It’s a small yard, perhaps 20x40 with seven stones and a single erupted coffin, complete with zombie.

Pun-ish names like “restless acres” are encouraged!

**Frankenstein Cemetary
Eternal Wrest
Zombie National Park
Resurrectionist Acres
Eternal Slumber Yard
Vlad Tepes Memorial Park

Frankenstein cemetary is good, but a bit heavy handed. We DO have a second set of a mad science lab in the garage so if it could tie in that would be awesome. Our “creation” is a zombie werewolf named “Herbert”. You can view him HERE . Nashiitashii is a fan of Vlad Tepes Memorial Park, as well as Eternal Wrest.

Keep them coming! I’m doing scenic painting on the walls today so my check ins on this thread might be a bit slow.

Here are a few:

– Un-Fair Grounds
– Harry Potter’s Field
– Brain Forest
– Mount Unpleasant Cemetery (there is actually a “Mount Pleasant Cemetery” in Toronto)

Slumber Underground.

Shoe Hill (like Boot Hill… get it? yukyukyuk).

Silent Acres Farm

Bakers of the UnDead Cemetery

Acme Soap Factory [gross]

Mortal Coil Bed & Casket - foods great!

:smiley: This is great. I love gross!

Eternally Restless

Resurrection Cemetery and you can have Resurrection Mary’s tombstone with a jacket on it. - famous

Bone Yard

Eternal Rest Gated Community

Waverly Hills Sanitarium - famous

Paupers Graveyard

Bray Road Cemetery - Not real but the Bray Road Beast is famous. - werewolf like creature

Pics of the wall and empty sign.

Keep them coming! There are some good ones in there already.

Baracco Boneyard

So far, you win. Halloweeny, timely, and cursorily related to body parts. :smiley:
Okay dopers, that’s the standard to beat.

Samhain Street

Cadaver Corner

Deadybones Drive

Body Shop

Worm Wonderland

The Future

Howard’s End

Buffet de Worms

Just call it the Deathly Hallows! Points for literary relevance, pop culture, timeliness and cool.

Can you make it a Pet Sematary? Please, please, please?

Satan’s Acres
The Dark Beyond
The Sweet By and By


I like Worm Wonderland as well.


In the running so far:

  1. barracco boneyard
  2. Acme Soap Factory
    3.eternal wrest
  3. bray road cemetary

Aww. Lil Cerberus!

Pieceful Acres

I’m just jealous you’re already getting things started. My hubby would have a stroke if I started putting Halloween stuff out yet, but I’m watching the calendar.

All I have in my head is our real-life monument business from down home – “Worms Family Monuments and Tombs”. No kidding.