Snookie and I have been together for 15 years, 5 months, 1 week, 3 days, 12 hours and 15 mintues but who’s counting?
I’ve been married once before, he’s never been married.
We finally moved in together a couple of years ago, get along famously, and have oodles of fun. On a practical basis, it would be a good thing [sup]TM[/sup] for him if we married, since then he’d be covered by insurance, I’d loose a favored tax bracket, but the benefits for him having insurance outweigh that consideration (when taken as a whole). General plan is for ‘someday’, for us to fly out to Vegas and do the drive through Elvis Chappel. I want to have a reception afterwards at home with a ‘come as your favorite dead celebrity’ theme. He’s not a ‘party person’.
Philisophically speaking, I consider us as together as two people can be, regardless of official status. And, frankly, the ‘official status’ doesn’t really matter to me much.
However, it does afford me the ability to joke with him about it. So, every now and then I make comments about the relative price of airfare, point out news stories about folks getting married after long periods of time together and so on.
fast forward to today at Chick Dope. Here about 9 of us are, at an outlet mall. BunnyGirl has made the effort to get some coupon books for us.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a 10% coupon for bridal attire! So, I quickly scarf up every one else’s coupons for it as well.
The problem - I now have 9 coupons for bridal stuff. I want to disperse them around the house etc. so he’ll find them from time to time and sigh heavily, never really knowing how safe he is from others.
Help me figure out places for them. So far, I’ve got:
- The ice cube tray.
- his wallet
- under the TV remote.
- Maybe in the silverware drawer?
- On the inside of the shower stall
in his truck somewhere??
he wears a baseball cap a lot, I could tape one on the inside,
anyhow, I know I’ve got nearly ‘enough’ ideas, but I’m looking for sheer brilliance.
ideas?? please??
(yes, I’m pretty damn sure he won’t see this thread, he doesn’t lurk much and even then wouldn’t spot it here…)