Help me play a joke on my SO

Snookie and I have been together for 15 years, 5 months, 1 week, 3 days, 12 hours and 15 mintues but who’s counting?

I’ve been married once before, he’s never been married.

We finally moved in together a couple of years ago, get along famously, and have oodles of fun. On a practical basis, it would be a good thing [sup]TM[/sup] for him if we married, since then he’d be covered by insurance, I’d loose a favored tax bracket, but the benefits for him having insurance outweigh that consideration (when taken as a whole). General plan is for ‘someday’, for us to fly out to Vegas and do the drive through Elvis Chappel. I want to have a reception afterwards at home with a ‘come as your favorite dead celebrity’ theme. He’s not a ‘party person’.

Philisophically speaking, I consider us as together as two people can be, regardless of official status. And, frankly, the ‘official status’ doesn’t really matter to me much.

However, it does afford me the ability to joke with him about it. So, every now and then I make comments about the relative price of airfare, point out news stories about folks getting married after long periods of time together and so on.

fast forward to today at Chick Dope. Here about 9 of us are, at an outlet mall. BunnyGirl has made the effort to get some coupon books for us.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a 10% coupon for bridal attire! So, I quickly scarf up every one else’s coupons for it as well.

The problem - I now have 9 coupons for bridal stuff. I want to disperse them around the house etc. so he’ll find them from time to time and sigh heavily, never really knowing how safe he is from others.

Help me figure out places for them. So far, I’ve got:

  1. The ice cube tray.
  2. his wallet
  3. under the TV remote.
  4. Maybe in the silverware drawer?
  5. On the inside of the shower stall

in his truck somewhere??
he wears a baseball cap a lot, I could tape one on the inside,

anyhow, I know I’ve got nearly ‘enough’ ideas, but I’m looking for sheer brilliance.

ideas?? please??

(yes, I’m pretty damn sure he won’t see this thread, he doesn’t lurk much and even then wouldn’t spot it here…)

Under his pillow.

In his underwear drawer. Or even in a pair of his underwear. :slight_smile:

In a pocket of his jeans.

Good idea for a trick, wring.

How about down in the bottom of a box of cereal, crackers, or something else that he eats often?
Or inside a shoe, the pocket of a jacket, or other piece of clothing.
Near the end of a book he’s reading.
Put one in the toilet bowl…hopefully he’ll fish it out before it’s too late.
Under his pillow.

Just my ideas…

As a chap, I have to tell you that female ‘signals’ are a complete mystery to us.

  • put one on the front door.

This next one is a little cheeky - but hey! you asked for it.

  • put one on the packet of condoms.

This next one is possibly too cheeky. So if it offends, don’t read it.

  • put one on yourself.

Good luck!

Great ideas!! keep 'em coming (after all, I can make new coupons, too with the help of the xerox)

The beauty of this is that some of them he might not find for months (the last similar thing I did was before I moved in, he groused that I didn’t appear to be ‘interested’ in the house itself, etc. So I went to the store and picked up a dozen or so wallpaper samples and taped them around as if I were deciding which paper ‘treatment’ especially ironic since A. I picked out really ugly ones, and B. neither of us is really into ‘decorating’).

I have access to his shop, as well (while he’s not there), so could potentially put some in, say his tool box, or better yet one of the bins for electronic gizmos. OF course, I’d have to figure out which one would be most likely to find quickly. Had fun w/him the other night when I pretended to ‘rearrange’ his tools for him, by color of the handle :smiley: ( no, I didn’t really do that)

Can you access his place of employment conveniently?

That would really perplex him.

Does he go to a particular eatery every day for lunch? Work something out with a waitress there to slip him a coupon with the bill.

You might want to actually try places he would notice them.

Actually, Milo, I’ve done the lunch thing several times - I created a towel with his picture w/Tammie Faye Baker, et voila, the server was using one to wipe the table, each member of his bowling team had one, his mom, his dad, we did, etc…

Did a bowl with his face at the bottom, he was served his soup at Knapps in it. Did a mug w/his face and bullhorns with the caption “my cow died so I don’t need your bull” (wonderfully tacky , I thought), he was served his after dinner coffee at a fine restaurant in one, did some melmac plates with his face, we had that served to us at dinner too… But yea, I could easily arrange that one, too… tee hee

I’ve left notes in those places. They get noticed. The one in the pocket didn’t get noticed till he was putting change in his pocket at the bar. :slight_smile:

The underside of the toilet seat.

Taped to the side of a milk carton, or cereal box, or other food product, particularly if it’s a food that is mostly there because he likes it.

In his checkbook, wedged in as if it were one of those slips that say “time to order new checks!”

Replace the liner notes of a favorite CD with a coupon (Are they still called liner notes if they’re in a CD case? I’m still not managing the transition from vinyl to CD very well.)

Replace a framed photo with a framed coupon, especially if it’s a photo of the two of you together.

Sounds like a fun idea!

Right next to the centerfold of his favourite porno magazine!:smiley:

In his truck, flip the visor up and place it on top of the visor. He flips down the visor and it flits gently into his lap.

Does he have a favorite book? Or a reference book he checks regularly?

In the cd player on the computer?

In the medicine chest wrapped around the aspirin?

Taped to a piece of paper in your printer? Or maybe on xerox copy on a regular sheet of paper placed in the printer.
Keep track of how many you’ve distributed, so when he asks if there are any more, you can smirk and say, “Hmmm, mumble mumble, mumble, Yep!”

I made several copies of the coupons, so I have a ready supply of extras.
One was placed in the microwave, one in amongst the ice cubes, one in a pair of socks, one in the visor of his truck, one in the bottom of a tin of crackers, one with the zip lock baggies, one saving his place in the magazine he’s reading, one under an onion in the onion drawer.

I have one with me to squirrel away in a parts bin at his shop. My next moves include leaving one with the restaurant he lunches at, getting one of his customers to put it inside an amp he’s about to fix, unrolling the toilet paper and having one fall out there, taped to the inside of the shower door, in the pocket of his jeans, inside his wallet, under the pillow, in his tool box, taped to the tv remote, in between the pieces of bread in the loaf of bread, and of course, am more than willing to have more suggestions.

I think I’ll send some to his sister in DC, so at Christmas when he visits, there will be some there, too.

To show what we’re up against, this am I was in the shower, I heard the microwave going, so I knew he’d found one. He didn’t say a word.

When I went out to the living room to catch the news, on top of the remote was the coupon (along with 2 peanuts to hold it steady). So I got one back to place some where else…

This could prove to be quite amusing.

Ooooh, he’s a tough one, wring.

Hey, have you enlisted the aid of your darling son in this? Gotta make sure he doesn’t throw them out or something. And he might have a few good ideas, too. He’s a clever young man. :smiley:

Hey, why don’t you send some to me? I’ll put them in a new envelope and mail them back, addressed to him. Maybe you could line up a few out-of-state Dopers to do the same. :smiley:

Poor guy.

I had a girlfriend who wouldn’t stop bringning up the marriage/children thing and it killed our 3-year relationsip. Sounds like you guys are in a different place in life, so maybe he won’t feel as pressured as I did. Here’s hopin’ it works out for you guys, I know I couldn’t pull it off. . .

DaLovin’ Dj

Can’t you scan one and post it on the web, and we can all cut n paste it and email it to him? When he gets 5,000 of them in his email he might get the hint… :slight_smile: Poor bastard.

/slight hijack/
If you’re interested in being married by a fellow Doper, I’m licensed to perform marriages in Ohio!
/slight hijack/

Ooh! Ooh! This gives me a thought!

Send several to people who regularly send you Christmas cards. So like every card coming in has one in it.

(The poor guy. I’ve seen wring win wars of attrition in GD, and it ain’t pretty. ;))

Heh heh heh - daDJ - Snookie has been ‘planning’ our wedding for the past 8 or 9 years - so far, it’s the drive through Elvis Chappel in Vegas, he’ll pledge me his trough (ya know the thing a horse drinks out of), promise to love, honor, cherish, yady -yady-yady, and at the end have the official say “you may now 'dis the bride”

I enjoy teasing him about us getting married 'cause it’s such a prototypical stance to take. I was married once before, and frankly feel more ‘married’ to this man than I ever did w/my ex husband (ex started cheating on my w/in the first month of our wedding), and have no particular deep abiding need to go through a ceremony again, and he knows this.

It actually would be in his best interest since I have insurance and he doesn’t currently. When I pointed this out to him last winter (he was having problems w/his knees), he said he didn’t want to ‘waste’ us getting married on something like ‘just so I can get insurance’.

So he won’t be feeling pressured.
Grizz - hmmm - any chance you can do an Elvis??? we’re really set on that option.

Persephone - I liiiiike it. And of course, Ben’s in on it. As for the scanning idea, really like that, too - but alas have no scanner. However, we could mock up something perhaps…

Milo Thanks - and aren’t you glad that I mostly use my powers for the good? ( you aren’t by chance looking to have some electronic musical gear fixed in the next while, are you??)

Dredged this up to update it.

well, he found them all over the damn place. And, now, several months later (and after our 16th anniversary, too), I now have the arranged that a customer will be dropping off an amp and as he opens it up, there it’ll be.

took a while - I know several of his customers, but dammit, none of their stuff broke for a while. HOwever, a woman I work w/ is in a band and needs something fixed. :smiley:

ahhh, yes.