Help me remember a terrible movie

Or, it seemed terrible at the time. The thread about movies you saw in school reminded me that I saw this movie in high school that was pretty awful, at least from my high school mind’s POV.

I think it was some existential movie, and what I remember was basically watching a guy waiting in some courtyard. Sometimes, the view would change and he was waiting somewhere else, but that was basically it. For some reason, I have it entwined with Beckett in my mind, but I’m probably mis-remembering. I don’t remember any dialog or anything else, really, just this guy standing around.

Any ideas?

When were you in high school? And was the movie a new release at that time?

I graduated in 1984, but my impression is that it was an older movie. It had to have been – we watched in in class. I’m 90% sure it was in color.

The Beckett might be a clue. Is it Film with Buster Keaton?

Beckett’s best known work is Waiting for Godot, so that may just be a falsely remembered connection. (Or not.)

Looks like there was a “Waiting for Godot” made for TV movie in 1977.

While “Film” is indeed a terrible movie based on the quick look I took at vimeo, I don’t think that’s it. I wonder if there’s some other Beckett film that our teacher showed us that’s equally bizarre.

I was hoping that it would have been a well-known classic or something, but I guess not.

Count yourself lucky you didn’t attend my ultra-liberal-arts aggressively-LGBT-accepting high school and have to sit through My Nooner With Andre.
Just kidding, they made us watch Footloose.

Perhaps Endgame by Samuel Beckett?

Hmmm, doesn’t look like the timeframe fits. But I saw the stage play of Endgame, which sounds rather like what the OP described, and found it to be one of the most boring pieces of crap I’ve ever been subjected to.