Help me remember this German word

Last week I read an article on Wikipedia about the color that the human eye perceives when in a totally unlit room, and how biologically it differs from true black. The article used a specific term for the color, which was a German word ending in “-grau”. I wanted to mention it in a conversation today but had forgotten the precise name for it, and now I can’t find the article anymore. Anyone here know what the term is?


Charcoal grey? (*Holz=*wood + Kohl=coal + Grau=grey)

Would it be on this list?

From the site of the color standard most frequently used in Germany to specify colors:
RAL 7000 - Fehgrau
RAL 7001 - Silbergrau
RAL 7002 - Olivgrau
RAL 7003 - Moosgrau
RAL 7004 - Signalgrau
RAL 7005 - Mausgrau
RAL 7006 - Beigegrau
RAL 7008 - Khakigrau
RAL 7009 - Grüngrau
RAL 7010 - Zeltgrau
RAL 7011 - Eisengrau
RAL 7012 - Basaltgrau
RAL 7013 - Braungrau
RAL 7015 - Schiefergrau
RAL 7016 - Anthrazitgrau
RAL 7021 - Schwarzgrau
RAL 7022 - Umbragrau
RAL 7023 - Betongrau
RAL 7024 - Graphitgrau
RAL 7026 - Granitgrau
RAL 7030 - Steingrau
RAL 7031 - Blaugrau
RAL 7032 - Kieselgrau
RAL 7033 - Zementgrau
RAL 7034 - Gelbgrau
RAL 7035 - Lichtgrau
RAL 7036 - Platingrau
RAL 7037 - Staubgrau
RAL 7038 - Achatgrau
RAL 7039 - Quarzgrau
RAL 7040 - Fenstergrau
RAL 7042 - Verkehrsgrau A
RAL 7043 - Verkehrsgrau B
RAL 7044 - Seidengrau
RAL 7045 - Telegrau 1
RAL 7046 - Telegrau 2
RAL 7047 - Telegrau 4
RAL 7048 - Perlmausgrau
RAL 9022 - Perlhellgrau
RAL 9023 - Perldunkelgrau

Is it one of those? There are also more vague terms like Dunkelgrau (dark grey)

BTW I doubt that the term Holzkohlegrau (literal translation of charcoal grey) is in use - I never heard it.

Funny, I read the same article.

The word you’re looking for is Eigengrau

It was eigengrau. Thanks - you’ve saved me from tearing my hair out trying to remember it.

The Straight Dope®, fighting violent hair loss since 1973.

I notice the German list doesn’t include Feldgrau, color of WWI and II army uniforms. :dubious:

WW1 “Feldgrau” is RAL 7009, the WW2 version is RAL 6006 (Grauoliv/gray olive)

How is “eigengrau” pronounced and what does the word “eigen” mean?

The Wiki article above says “intrinsic gray”. EYE-gen-grow (like ow i hurt myself) would be my best guess.