Here is the text:
I am a fan of the Matrix Trilogy of films. It strikes a cord on many levels; I like the concept; I agree with the idea that love is a profound connection that transcends emotion; I enjoy the subtle influence of Buddhisim; and there is of course the symbolism. The number 101 appears throughout, either as a reference to George Orwell’s 1984 where 101 is the room where all your fears are revealed; or, since this is programming, perhaps a reference to the binary number 5, this being the sixth iteration of the matrix (computers count from zero, I believe). The protagonist is Neo, an anagram of One (because he is The One). His love connection is Trinity, the number 3 being a powerful number across traditions and societies in the west. And the villain, Agent Smith, appears as Cypher in human form. Fitting, I suppose, given my dislike of puzzles.
and here is the picture part of the clue.
I’m assuming this puzzle is based on some sort of hex or base 10 system but I’ve tried all morning and my pathetic math skills have failed me. The answer will look something like this:
N 36° 38.??? W 121° 48.??? or
36° ??.??? 121° ??.???