Mrs. mske and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our first child, due in early to mid-march. All indications are that it will be a girl. We are very excited.
We have picked out a name, but are having a hard time deciding the final spelling of it. The options are Allison/Alison/Alyson.
I myself am leaning towards Allison, but am not 100% sold. Which variation do you like?
My preference is Alison – probably the most commonly spelled version. I’m highly against spellings of names that would require my child to have to correct people for the rest of their lives.
Allison seems to be the standard, default spelling, so I think you should go with it. Variants are cute for about five minutes, but after that they’re an open invitation for everybody to misspell your daughter’s name for the rest of her life.
I spelled my daughters name Kelli.
She is 5 years old, my family members still spell it wrong. Sometimes it is hard to find things with her name on them. (barrets, stationary, ect. ) But she is the only Kelli in her class.
Names that have to be spelled out for people constantly are a huge pain in the ass. Sure, as the parent you like it but you won’t have to spend the rest of your life on Earth correcting people on how to spell it. Don’t get me started on legal forms, drivers licenses, insurance paperwork…
I’m also going to vote for going with the traditional spelling of “Allison.” Having to spell one’s name over and over, and still have it misspelled half of the time gets very tedious, very quickly. Make her life a tiny bit easier by giving her a name which requires as little explanation as possible.