Help me understand this pornograpic photo

Not safe for work, yada yada.

What the hell is tied to this woman’s ass?

The link didn’t lead to a picture for me. Please check link as now I am curious.

There are a couple of spaces in the url you need to remove after the www. I think we have to break links to NSFW stuff here.

It’s a bundle of sticks. Notice the primitive thatched hut surroundings.

I’m betting the real point is the cord which goes around the bundle and then probably forward between her legs. The bundle of sticks is a toggle to keep rearward pressure on whatever’s on the front side.

Either that or it’s the emergency extraction handle for a primitive butt plug.

She’s just holding a bushel of wheat behind her. It’s not tied, you can see there’s nothing going round to the front of her body. It looks like it’s just supposed to be an artful touch rather than anything kinky.

Actually I think technically a “bushel” as a measure is bigger than that. And it might not be wheat as opposed to some other grain. But you get the idea. It’s not really the focus of the picture. :slight_smile:

She’s holding a sheaf of wheat. Why are you looking at the wheat, anyway?

Now that I can see the picture (thanks Renee) I will venture to say it is feed for the donkey. Must have been taken in a Mexican town famous for its erotic animal shows. Yeah, I know I am sick.

So you’re saying the naked lady has a faggot tied to her ass?

I’m guessing that she was probably just holding it there during the photoshoot and that’s the picture they liked. I doubt there’s any significance to it being next to her butt.

It is a Playboy photo (see logo at lower right), and they don’t go in for weird kinks - but they do go in for ‘artistic’ photographic flourishes sometimes. I think the photographer must have just thought it looked cute or somehow artistic, in that setting (it looks like a barn or granary), to have a bundle of grain tied to her butt.

Yeah, but you don’t have to go quite that far. Just putting it in the spoilers was enough to follow the two-click rule. You didn’t need to break the link and add a space.

And, yeah, they’re right about what it is. The background gives it away.

“Back in my day, we used a bundle of dry grass for a tampon. And we liked it!”

…and I’m 24 minutes too late. Dang.

That’s the mildest spanking picture I’ve ever seen.

So where’s the porno? All I see is a nude woman.

My reaction, precisely. That ain’t porn.

Just looks like she is holding a bundle of wheat grass back there to hide her hoo ha.

Ok, wheat. Sure. It also appears that there is a stick coming out of her butt. It’s a strange photo.

I don’t think it’s tied to her either - it’s tied in a bundle with one loop and she’s holding it with her hands, including the nonvisible far hand, since we can see the stalks on the far side curving around the left buttock (meaning she’s holding them beyond the visible area). OTOH a couple of major stalks HAVE become lodged perpendicularly in her fundament, as Renee observed. My suspicion is she has been using the sheaf as a seat cushion.

As to why the photographer saw fit to publish it, eh, s/he liked it. It’s a very nice photograph and I could have spent the last 20 minutes at things less worthy than checking out a hot model’s derrière :smiley:

It’s Cockney rhyming slang:

Bunch of grass = Ass