If not for my crappy camera phone, I would now be the proud owner of a photograph of a lady with 8 inch long natural fingernails on all fingers of both hands and would be Queen of teh interweb.
If not for my crappy camera phone, I would now be the proud owner of a photograph of a lady with 8 inch long natural fingernails on all fingers of both hands and would be Queen of teh interweb.
And despite being repelled by the notion, I’d be the first to click on the thread so I could have a look at the nails.
So, tell us the story anyway! Where did you happen to see this lady?
Um … at the risk of being all English-teacherish, I think you were flippant, not flippent.
I correct because I care. And I’m compulsive-obsessive.
I’m having trouble feeling sorry for you, though. Think of the hundreds of thousands of us who don’t even have camera phones. Yes, yes, there is a vast world of underpriveleged people who must struggle through each day with basic cellular service. Oh, the humanity!
I have to admit I’m glad you didn’t get the picture, because I have no self-control, and I would have to look at it. Then I would be squicked out, and go around all day imagining those nails in different scenerios and getting more and more squicked out each time. So thank your camera phone for saving me from myself.
[siz=1]First squicky idea - how does she wipe?[/size]
I think she must use a wipping stick. No paper wad could extend past those nails and still fit down the pipe
(Sorry about the continued affronts on the English language, but I can’t find the spell check on the husband’s crackberry. Oh, nose!
More excessive technology to widen the gap between haves and have- nots! The horroreses!)
She and a toothless friend were cell phone shopping in Oakland. At least those talons will help her dial. From across the room. At first, I thought they were fake, that surely no person would be so foolish as to cripple both hands in any sort of long term fashion. But then I noticed that the undersides were nail colored, and they had that weird twist, like the nails of that Indian fellow who currently holds the world record. I can only hope she is trying to break his record and not making a ridiculous fashion statement.
Can you imagine being her nephew or neice and having her come at you with those things? Yipe.
I once saw a girl working at a fast food place who had at least 4 inch long fake nails. As she punched my order in the keypad on the register, I saw the underside of those nails. I cancelled my order, and left. I later called the office of the owner of the franchise (whose daughter I know through animal rescue - she works for Dad) and told her what I had seen. The underside of those nails wasn’t just dirty - they were filthy. There was so much crap under there it turned my stomach. No way was I going to eat anything those hands had touched.