I apologize if this is Cafe-Society-worthy, but It’s so Pittish I felt I ought to place it here
I’m running an (appropriately enough) Star Wars game (2nd edition). I face several problems.
Out of 6 party members, 5 built their characters as combat monsters. These guys ignore blasters. If I haul out light mounted weaponry, grenades, or mass area weapons like flamethrowers I can average about 1 wound level on one character in a long fight.
OK, so I make the games with a lot of combat, right? Wrong, because…
#1) One of the players thinks he is and probably is smarter than everyone else put together. He can rattle off any bit of history, literature, mathematics, or phsyics theory you can imagine and understand every bit of it. If you nail anything down for him he becomes a demigod in three sessions. I’m not kidding. Every character he ever plays is godlike. He finds every hole in every system (without trying; he just does it by accident!) and explores every aspect of the universe or magic system or whatever thoroughly.
He also crushes any plot I make by bypassing everything. I daren’t put them on board a huge battlestation/starship filled with enemies, because they’d win, take it as a prize, take it apart, improve it, etc. And because this is Star Wars, there are limits to what I can do with my bad guys. If one of his brilliant ideas doesn’t work and/or work immediately, he gets irritated at me. If NPC’s don’t go along with him immediately on some wild adventurer plan, he decides they’re idiots and bypasses them, which he’s smart enough to do. Note that he’s playing a creature 60 days old now, which has no social skills and no idea of how the universe works, except that it ate vast technical databases (stupid build-your-own species rules!) He bypasses any combat given a chance, or, failing that, plasters the enemy with four-five grenades. Yes, it might hurt the party, but they make sure never to face more than one group of enemies per day. He gets angry at me if I do anything involving a wild coincidence, which is pretty much neccessary since they won’t follow any plot line or suggestion I hand out. He also refuses to accept any such suggestion unless I thoroughly justify with mathematical principles like th3 number of potential informants versus a large city-planet population, the number of potential “leaks”, etc.
So I cannot make any plotline. He’s seen everything and will end it before I even finish making it. In fact, I literally cannot make up material as fast as they make it obsolete, and I wrote half the tricks for doing so!
He also wants me to define everything about the game world, but never asks me about anything in particular, as if I’m going to magically beam the info into his head. I wrote 10 pages (10-point times new Roman, which is a lot of words for this) just for this game, pretty much for his sole benefit.
#2) Another guy, not quite as bright as the other guy, but close. He builds his character as a Jedi with vast combat skills. He spends most of his time being angry at #3, who richly deserves it.
#3) He’s a wild man, constantly tearing into enemies real or perceived just because, usually using the wrong weapon. He causes more trouble than everyone else combined. I can’t deal with him, because every character he makes becomes this quickly. While he causes a lot of trouble, at least he’s involved. 1 and 2 really hate him monopolizing my time, but they never *do * anything. I mean, if they want to hang back and solve puzzles, fine, but it’s not going to take up much of the session. If they everything to avoid trouble, then they can hardly blame me fairly for not getting into any. Moreover, they don’t want him to take up more than his share of time, but they keep sending him off on his own or
#4) He could actually do something useful and kick start the game in the right direction, but he’s too busy playing everquest and making horrible jokes about the actions of other characters.
Other playerss are sometimes good, sometimes not, but they at least don’t cause me to want to die.
I can’t count on any one person except players 1 and 2 to show and/or take part in the game. They build combat characters, and they say it’s boring. They want maps, apparently, but only mentioned this once for one fight, and never afterward. They want puzzles and problems, but aren’t showing much interest in any. I figured that finding someone on a planet filled with countless millions would entice them with a challenge. Instead, they just get angry at me for not providing any real leads. Their sole “plausible” method was to look around on the internet for any Republic coded messages. I finally gave up hinting in any direction, since they just assumed that they couldn’t get any help from any quarter, anywhere, and just ha them run across their target randomly.
They could have gotten help, but #1 just assumed it was hopeless and never bothered to ask me about anything in any way, shape, or form…
Please help me. I can’t figure out what to do. I *can’t * make stories up that are going to please everyone. And I get anything inconsistent or make a mistake from one sentence a month ago, #1 is sure to bring it up and bother me with it. At least no one is lecturing me about canon.
I don’t want to hand it over to someone else. I *want * to GM, but everyone’s fighting me every step of the way. I have people insisting on absolute realism, absolute adherence to methematical law, absolute combat in everything, and absolute freedom. I *can’t * do that. And its not the first time this has happened. Whenever I GM, they tear things apart faster than I can make it. And if I have a slow day and can’t come up with something good on the spur of the moment, they get pissy, I leave, and someone else does a game. I wanto GM, I don’t expect it to be perfect, but I want people to work with me.