Help! Need to change name on old computer

We’re planning to donate my wife’s old Hewlett-Packard Pentium II computer to a community center where a charming retired engineer teaches computer usage to senior citizens. (He calls them silver surfers) I have diligently cleaned off the hard drive without reinstalling Windows 98, but my wife is freaked because her name still comes up on the initial log in. My background is mostly Macs, and I’m stumped. I’m sure it’s a simple fix right in front of my face, but the answer is eluding me. I’d be most grateful for your help.


Download TweakUI from Microsoft here (it’s free). Install it, then go to Control Panel > TweakUI > Paranoia. There will be a list of things you can do at start\shutdown: clear documents history at shutdown, clear IE history at shutdown. Select them all, then click the “clear selected now” or something similar. The important one for your OP is the “clear last user” option.


::Humbly bows to Rex Fenestrarum::

My paranoid wife and I thank you for the quick response and excellent advice. It worked perfectly. Should you ever be in north central Oregon, there are a couple of tall frosty ones of your choice with your name on them.

Hometownboy the much relieved

No problem! :slight_smile: Glad to help!

Tweak UI is a nice utility. I am wondering if your wifes name is still listed as the Registered Owner in the Computer Properties. You may not care at this point but her name could still be on the machine. The Registered Owners name can pop up all the time when installing software. You can check by right clicking on My Computer and selecting Properties. It should be on the first dialog box.

Find and remove all files ending with “pwl”, usually in the Windows directory.

My appreciation for the additional information. I love this place
