HELP! Need to find Marvin Gaye/Tammi Terrell song online!

I am singing/playing “Your Precious Love” by Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell for a wedding coming up. Actually the writers are Nickolas Ashford and Valerie Simpson. I need chords, tab or basically a reference point to go from. I have googled for a while and cannot find anything. Can anyone help? I would GREATLY appreciate it!!! Thanks!

I know nothing about these artists, the composers, or that song in particular, but browsing around I found that the song title is likely “For Your Precious Love” and is not necessarily usually heard as sung by Gaye & Terrell.

An email link to a likely sourcebook available for purchase from that website is on the way to you - hope that was some help…

Oh, rats. You don’t get email through this board.

Here’s a hopefully clean link to the book:

Blues Songbook

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