You see, my problem is that I work in a place where I have to wear ear plugs and am pretty far from other people.
So, I have very weird and random tunes running thru my head for 11 hours.
Tonites playlist…two songs mixed together one of them being “Run Joey Run” and “The Homecomming Queen has got a Gun”, some 38 special, and thanks to Smeghead the modern major general song.
Over and over again all night long!
So, and weird and random songs you migh want to put on my weekend playlist in my head just step up to the DJ booth and put in your request.
One night it was the asshole song.
Oh, you’re gonna hate these songs!
Weird and random, with a side order of annoying:
Jackie Blue
Yummy Yummy Yummy
Smokin’ In The Boys Room
Georgie Girl
Girl From Ipanema
Afternoon Delight
The Night Chicago Died
Safety Dance
Seasons In The Sun
That Crash Test Dummies song
Rock Lobster
The theme from Mary Tyler Moore
And just for good measure…
Who Let The Dogs Out
With songs like these, you’re liable to take out the earplugs and jam shish kabob skewers in your ears.
I’ve already inflicted this one on The Mermaid recently: Go Get the Ax
Sing it to yourself as you listen to the midi–no one has been evil enough to make an mp3 yet, I don’t think.
Warning: If you actually do this, you will hate me for life.
Alright Balance. I read the lyrics and it sounds like a crazy song. So, tomorrow I will listen to it and see what is up with it.
Thanks DireWolf, I now have Afternoon Delight stuck in my head.
The bad part about this whole thing is that it is only one verse that gets stuck over and over again, and sometimes, like this weekend it runs into different songs.
I just need something new in my head right now.