July 21st to the 27th, 2001. These should be memorable.
Preliminary Sugestions:
[li] Montreal Dopefest: Follow Details Here[/li]Comments: Rumour has it that eunoia may be making a brief appearance, but will claim he “has to return some videos” before the party inevitably adjourns to Club Stock in the Gay Village.
[li] July 25th 22h00 Montreal International Fireworks Competition (Australia)[/li]Comments: Don’t buy tickets for this, it’s free to all but tourist suckers who like breathing gunpowder smoke. I realize you’re on a budget, and the best way to see these at any price is to wear comfortable shoes, take a Metro to the base of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge, go to the bathroom (or in my case save an empty beer bottle (do not urinate in the St. Lawrence river please, we drink out of there)), and follow the crowd walking up the bridge (which is closed to traffic for these events from 20h30 to 23h00).
Two important points:
- Arrive early and walk through the crowd on the western pedestrian walkway, most people wuss out before they get over the water, and here is the best, uncrowded view. Did I mention FREE? The view of the city alone will be worth the hike.
- Take wind into consideration, once in a blue moon (3 times in over 100 shows) the wind blows flaming detritus towards the bridge rather than onto dignitaries and paying customers in the stands on the island below. You may have to move 50 yards at the last minute and lose a better spot.
[li] Anytime Day: Montreal Botanical Gardens[/li]Comments: This would at first glance seem to be a tacky, touristy thing to do. Not so. The mayor of Montreal is a flower fetishist and pumps tons of money into this showcase attraction. Translation: Value. Use the fact that you’re coming with your mom to rationalize going here if you have to. A good sunny-day-relaxing thing to do.
More to come as your likes/dislikes are established.