Read it in my early teens, very soft scifi almost fantasy.
Male main character, and prominently featured some sort of bumbling aliens? That are described like an intellectually disabled human.
There is a part where the hero and his female lover along with a few bumblers that have survived are on some kind of moving plant or iceberg, they are basically stuck with it until it reaches its destination. I can remember the hero and the lover having a lot of sex, and at one point one of the bumblers calls it making sandwiches?
:smack:It was the first novel ever where I said holy shit this seems like writer wish fulfillment.
Ok I remembered more details, I think the bumblers(my name) were plant people possibly? Created as slaves and intentionally dumb, the hero saves them and they slowly die off.
When they finally reach the destination the last few of them are killed in a shocking way, possibly eaten by the villains. Seemed to be written as a morality pet, but they annoyed the hell out of me since it was clear they could never survive on their own having the mentality of a toddler.
The whole novel had a weird 60s-70s scifi vibe, like the whole world was genetically engineered plant beings or something. Very psychedelic in other parts.