Help with a cartoon panel

I just don’t get it. Anyone?

Is she exposing herself in the penultimate panel?

If you can find the original, I’m sure it’d be better quality (higher resolution, less Jpegging) and you could see.

And there in the OP you got the template sent to you, a bad one as it truncates the first panels.

Ninja’ed so nevermind.

It’s been bowdlerized. Taking out the SLUT renders it kind of pointless.

The point, as explained in link provided, is that the original is used as a template to make fun of a variety of specific groups, substituting the “SLUT” with other "fill in the blank"s aimed at, pointed at, specific groups.

OK thanks. The one I posted was the only version I had. Without the “slut” it was a head scratcher.

I thought no one was interested in rescue, but a treasure map “X” got their attention.

I thought that too, until I realized the X was the airliner’s shadow. :smack: