Cranium is great-- but buy the Booster Box because the cards with the game are WAY too easy.
if you guys are looking for some active stuff. Everybody think of Famous Couples or pairs… (Burns/Allen, Abbot/Costello. Anything… ) Write these on stickers and mix them up. Put it on peoples foreheads so nobody knows who they are. You then just mix up like a “normal” party and everybody needs to give clues to everybody else so they can figure out who they are. Plus they have to figure out who their partner is. (You can also figure out the pairs to start out with so nobody knows any of the couples. Put the sticker on their head when they walk through the door and they have all party to figure it out. They never know exactly if what you’re saying is a clue or not.) It’s pretty fun, especially when there’s breaks in the other stuff you’re doing.
My friends and I also play this game called Mafia… which is a little tough to explain but I’ll try because its really fun.
You need some playing cards. Pull out the same number of cards as there are players. Be sure you have 3 Aces 1 Queen and then the rest are number cards.
Shuffle the Cards and hand them out randomly. (NOBODY SHOWS ANYBODY ELSE THEIR CARD)
Here’s the deal. The Aces are Mafia. The Queen is the Informant. Everybody else are Peasants. (The informant is basically a peasant with a little power.)
The goal of the mafia is to kill the peasants. The Peasants want to kill the mafia.
Game Play–
Round one- Game starts with one volunteer Moderator for the first round only. He says “Everybody asleep” Everybody closees their eyes. He says “Mafia Wake” All the mafia look around the room and find out who the other ones are. Mod says “Mafia sleep” and mafia close their eyes. Moderator says Everybody awake.
At this point game play begins. Somebody has to accuse somebody else of being mafia. Round one is basically a guess. Keep in mind mafia are trying to kill peasants and protect themselves though. So you can gather clues as to who mafia is. Mafia want to present themselves as peasants during game play. eventually somebody gets voted on. A majority vote and their dead. They turn over their card and show whether they’re mafia or not.
Round Two- Whoever just died is now the Moderator for the rest of the game. Mod says “Everybody asleep” all close their eyes. Mod says “Mafia awake” Mafia now kills somebody while everybody sleeps. They all agree on one person by pointing at them. Mod says “Mafia asleep” mafia close their eyes. Mod says “Informant awake” Informant points at one person and the moderator nods his head yes if they are mafia or shakes his head no if they are not. So the informant can find out who is mafia. Mod says Informant asleep and everybody goes to sleep.
Game play begins again the Everybody wakes up when the moderator says so and the moderator lets everybody know who died during the night. Now there are more people dead and you can start to figure out who is mafia. (Based on how they voted, acted, who accused who in the last round. (Did the person who just die accuse somebody who ended up surviving? Maybe he was getting too close. Or maybe mafia is just clever.)
Game continues as Round Two until all the mafia are dead or all peasants are dead.
In reading this explenation it sound spretty lame. But its really fun. We play it all the time! Trust me.