I was watching the history channel-they had a show about this. Apparently, Henry Hudson was an englishman, who sailed to New England under contract to the Dutch east India Company. He explored the New England coast, and sailed up the Hudson River, as far as Albany. Upon his return to England, Hudson was detained by the English authorities, and forced to surrender his logbooks and charts. Apparently, the English government was upset that Hudson was working for the Dutch-was this considered treasonous? Hudson eventually was confined under house arrest, but managed to get copies to the Dutch. Anyway, does any depiction of the “Half Moon” exist? The TV series showed the ship with a stylized hald moon on the transom-would such a depiction actually have been used?
Anyway, Hudson was allowed to take a new ship next year (on which voyage he sailed into Huson’s Bay). How fat south did he get?Is Hudson’s Bay pretty shallow?I can see how he thought he had discovered the NW Passage-but getting stuckin the bay for a winter would be a big mistake. Has any trace of Hudson (after the mutiny) eve been found?