Herblock died :(

I’m pretty sure only DC type people know who he is, but Herb Block was the political cartoonist for the Washington Post for more than 50 years. If anyone’s ever seen a cartoon with the Lincoln Memorial statue with his head in his hands, mouring the death of JFK, Herblock drew it. And if you’ve heard the word “McCarthyism”, Herblock coined it.

For the past three weeks and six days I’ve been searching the Post’s online edition for Herblock’s take on 9-11. Wish I could have seen it :frowning:

just a nitpick, and maybe an erroneous one, but I recall that Lincoln with his head in his hands was drawn by Bill Mauldin.

Ya know what, I think you’re right.

[sub]Just living up to the blonde-Polock thing I have going on[/sub]:rolleyes:

Herblock’s Nixon-era cartoons are some of the finest examples of the art of short-form political commentary ever published.

May you rest in peace, Mr. Block.


He’s one of the greatest political cartoonist of all times. And one of the few who still do it old-school – more of a thought provoking quality instead of a punchliney deal going for it.

Oh, It’s been about five days and I still can’t believe he’s gone. I still expect the next cartoon to appear in the paper, right next to the editorials.

He’s one of the people whom I admire. I still have dreams of being a cartoonist, mostly because of him. I can’t even pick out his best cartoon because so many come to mind.

OK, here’s one. Under the simple caption “Hit” sits a black kid – not older than 10 I’d say – living in a run down tenament house watching television. He’s looking forlorn…devestated at the images on the screen. That image: Washington DC Mayor Marion Barry taking a hit from a crack pipe!

It will be one of the great cartoons that’ll never be drawn!

Mr. Herb Block’s last cartoon was published on August 11. He was ill with pneumonia during the time of the attacks.