Here's my marathon photo

Following the footsteps of Scylla, I hereby post a link to a photo of myself at the finish line of the Country Music Marathon in Nashville, 27 April. A moment of pride.

This was my second marathon, after taking up running 14 months ago. My goal was 4:40, and you can see by the clock I accomplished this. Actually, you can knock another 4 minutes off to account for the time between the starting gun and when I got to the start line. I planned 10 minute miles out to mile 20, and walk/jog intervals to give me 13 minute miles after that. I got ahead of this schedule, easily. I love it when a plan comes together.

This was a fantastic race. Perfect weather, great crowds (both runners and spectators) and the hills didn’t bother me a bit.

Woo Hoo - good job!

Yer lookin’ mighty fit in that pic there big guy. :slight_smile:

I know that expression. Damn fine job! Posting marathon pics needs to become a tradittion.
So when’s the next one?

Go Kelly! I ran a marathon a number of years ago and it was a blast! No time for that kind of training now, so I just do 10Ks and two half marathons a year.

Slight hijack here - my 10 year old daughter ran her first 5K this morning in 35 minutes. Sorry, couldn’t help it.

Go, Kelly!

I think I’ll lay off the long runs for the summer, at least. Last summer, the least enjoyable feature of training was trying to fit 10-15 mile runs somewhere into 90 degree days. I can also work a little on speed at lesser distances.

Twenty years ago, if you told me I’d run one marathon, let alone two, I would have said you’re crazy. I shall be quite satisfied if I never do another.

  • but someday…

How long did it take you before you could walk down stairs again?

I managed to recover pretty well. About 3 hours after finishing, I parked my car in a parking garage (had to get to a brewpub, don’cha know), and deliberately took the stairs (gingerly) rather than the elevator. My IT bands were a little sore, but not too bad.