Here's your "all white jury", race hustlers

…or howan all-white juryeventually acquitted Zimmerman for killing Martin.
Also at the event was retired judge Greg Mathis, of The Judge Mathis Show, who complained about the all-white jury that acquitted Zimmerman;

Zimmerman had an all-white female jury.
A black youth is killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer, the police conduct a shoddy investigation, prosecutors put on a bumbling case, and an all-white jury in the South acquits.

George Zimmerman skirted justice with an all-white jury of his peers which consisted of all women.

A jury in Florida failed us. We have not seen a moral failure this grave since a similarly all-white jury in Simi Valley, Calif., in 1992 acquitted the four LAPD officers who beat Rodney King.

The all-white jury’s empathy for Zimmerman resulted in deliberations that were missing an important perspective and voice: those of Trayvon Martin. No fair trial would yield that result.

Nearly fifty years after the civil rights movement of the 1960s, our nation still feels that pain of racial tension when trials like Zimmerman’s take center stage on our nation’s media outlets. Our minds fill with questions: Were racial motivations a part of the killing? Were racial motivations a part ofthe all-white jury? What are we to make of an all-white jury, a Hispanic defendant, and an African-American victim?

So when an all-white jury declared George Zimmerman not guilty in the murder of Trayvon Martin, most white Americans agreed with the verdict, and most black Americans did not.

And now an all white jury in Sanford, Florida, has found George Zimmerman not guilty for murdering Trayvon Martin

Putting “all white jury” in quotes suggests that it was not, in fact, an all white jury. What point are you really trying to make here?

Putting “all white jury” in quotes suggests that that’s a direct quote from the numerous lying media sources I posted.

I don’t have the bandwidth to open all those links! I’ll just take your word for it.

The articles* I read at the time the jury was selected stated outright that the racial makeup of the jury was not released, but that they appeared to be white with possibly one Hispanic member. Fun fact: many questionnaires like the census break down race into two questions: Hispanic or not, and then race. So you can be Caucasian and Hispanic at the same time, for instance.

  • Real news articles, not blogs and editorials.

I assume those “lying media sources” are your links? Did you not notice that they are blogs & opinion pieces?

(Juror)B-29 … A prosecutor described her as “black or Hispanic” during jury selection.
From here

All white?

In the OP, I gave 10 examples by race hustling liars describing the jury as “all white”. Do you want more?

Is Brian Williams “media” enough for you? Or was this just his “opinion”?

What are “race hustlers”?

Edit: I’m more concerned about it being all women. Us white bitches are violent, you know.

Moving from MPSIMS to BBQ Pit.

OP: On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being the low end), how serious do you think a problem racism is for the average African-American living in the United States? (If you want to give different answers for geographic regions or socioeconomic status, feel free.)

I didn’t post it in the Pit for a reason. Since you moved it without asking me about it, I will just leave it to yapping of idiots.

There’s more like you?

Terr, can I ask why you post here? You clearly don’t like us. Honestly, why do you post here?

Male prostitutes who work the crowds at marathons and NASCAR rallies.

It’s one of those terms certain people can’t stop using when they’re talking about racial issues. (“Race pimps” is another, and so is “thugs.”) I’m not sure why that is- maybe it’s genetic?

Everyone seems to forget that it’s the defendant who gets the jury of his peers. Not the victim. The victim has zero constitutional rights.

Are you speaking of the non-white juror who thought that Zimmerman “got away with murder”?

It’s what racists call people who point out their racism.